New Throne New Tribe by Mr. | World Anvil

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Wed 2nd Feb 2022 06:02

New Throne New Tribe

by Mr. Rimashin

Before we made our next move, we took the opportunity after resting to interrogate the captured lizardfolk. When asked who led the folk, names unrecognized to me but that Mystery Inc fought before came up. When asked why they tried to release Mazerik's general demon, they at first denied their intentions to do so, claiming ignorance of the magically corrosive effects of the purple cloud. When asked how they learned to conjure such mists, they confirmed that the Serpent itself taught them. When asked who and where their lore masters were, they confirmed that they never left their villages, the locations of which we could ascertain through Darren's connections. When asked if other lizard factions were planning to cast a similar mist ritual anywhere, they only threatened that all the forces of the jungle would hunt and purge us from their lands as retaliation for siccing the giant on them, which we obviously did not intentionally but I could see how they would interpret the consequences of our actions on the mountain that way. After the Q&A we let the shifters have the prisoners while we ported to our next destination New Throne. There we met with Mr. Ainesly Costa, the once renowned hero of the [Justice society] who then confirmed Darren's suspicions that our Mist Serpent was not the same that this Ainesly slayed in his prime in an explosive trap. He also pointed us to the lizardfolk of this swamp region for further information about the real Mist Serpent. Darren, being our resident lizardfolk ambassador, made first contact only to learn that these folk had abandoned their former tribe to become citizens of New Throne, and therefore lacked a Loremaster. Nevertheless their appointed leader Qin Mot, agreed to answer all his/our questions to the best of their abilities. Originally the tribe was split between how to interact with the settlers, with a dissonant sect continually antagonizing the settlers until one day the tribe was forcibly moved to its current location. The discontented faction continued to seek aid in reclaiming their land and that's when they called upon the original Mist Serpent. They then affirmed Ainesly's recollection that the serpent of history did not share the fantastical powers the current one claims. Afterwards Justine and Darren traveled onto find the Mist Temple to map out a teleportation landing while the rest of us spent the day on our own paths. I visited the local Flame Church to seek aid. They greeted me and offered a variety of items, of which I picked out some supreme healing potions. They also showed me an ancient encyclopedia of Overlord Lore, which I spent the day absorbing, learning how Mazerik turned his former enemies into servants by tempting them with their deepest desires. We regrouped as Justine and Darren reached the temple and teleported the next day into a thick mist...