Interlude: Where there's a wild by Mr. | World Anvil

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Wed 29th Nov 2023 04:05

Interlude: Where there's a wild

by Mr. Rimashin

In preparation of entering the feywilds, Darren and I paid a visit to Ali and Alphi. He wanted to at least inform his friends of our intentions because the fate of this mission was intrinsically entwined with that of the Scion's. The twins also happened to be fluent in the native fey tongue of Sylvan and thus I sought to upgrade FranKee's language database to aid us in communications there. They pointed us toward the League of Explorers for further guidance, advice we took to heart. Apparently Jimmy was well renown with the League, I learned something new everyday. Sir Finley suggested we take along a nature spirit to aid in relations with the Fey who revere nature above all else. Luckily, the little sprite who tethered itself to Jeeng would suffice. He also advised a dark entity accompany us to more safely navigate the darker parts of the realm where we might find ourselves in reality bending recreations of their favorite dramas. In response, Darren requested Finley loan us his copy of the Fey histories to study up on the scenarios we might find ourselves reenacting. Finley noted that the fey coveted artifacts not of tangible but rather sentimental? or historic value. As everyone shopped for supplies for the long journey into night, I sought the wisdom from the largest Silver Flame congregation while we sojourned in New Throne. They donated a superior potion and granted a special blessing reserved for their most devout followers as well as referred me to a shop that provided a equitable price for a Handy Haversack. Jeeng also brokered a deal with Lynra; in exchange for bring back the secrets of Fey immortality, she gifted our party with True Iron ingots to help us dispel their illusions during our journey, which I then forged into 4 more nails for the rest of us to wear discreetly. When all felt ready we met Jimmy on the outskirts of Harth who led us through a tree hole, which seemed to lead to a hall of trees that slowly shifted every so slightly as we made our way along...