[WIP] FINAL? interlude by Mr. | World Anvil

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Wed 28th Feb 2024 05:15

[WIP] FINAL? interlude

by Mr. Rimashin

And just like that, we returned to the normal woods at the spot where we entered the wilds. With Darren exhausted and me still a snake, our first stop back in town was the Silver Flame temple so Jeanette could restore us. After taking the day to recoup, we headed to Lyrandar to deliver the promised Fruit of Everlasting Life. Lynra happily accepted our bounty especially after hearing what we had to go through to get it. She again offered a helping hand in return which we gladly accepted on behalf of Darren as he would need extra training to recover his prowess. Meanwhile Darren visited the twins in search of his master for the very same purpose. Though we'd left the Feywilde behind I could still feel a lingering fey magic from my serpentine transformation. Thus I sought the wisdom of Danaya, Hearth's herbalist who confirmed the presence of residual Feyness but she didn't know how to treat my kind so suggested I seek out an expert - Jimmy. Now why hadn't I thought of that, he did just help us through the wilds rather expertly. I invited Jeeng along for this visit to the godling and we reminisced over our fondest moments from the wilds before I confessed I rather enjoyed inhabiting an organic body. He said he might know a way for me to harness that lingering energy through harrowing and lethal trials, as if my time with Mystery Inc hadn't steeled my already steely body and mind. I gladly accepted his challenge which he would present in some days time. That day came sooner than expected, and Jimmy asked me once more if I was truly ready for the training he had in mind. Of course I trusted him as he'd been a faithful ally thus far so I readily accepted his offer. His first task had me communing with snakes to realign myself with the serpentine form I'd taken under the fey curse. From there I was to find my own way in a pool of my fellow serpents. I retained enough of that experience to slither my way toward the largest snake in the center of the chamber and politely greeted it asking it to teach me. In response, it told me of how it's kin had been conscripted to the Mist Serpent's army even from beyond this dimension and I could see several of them withering away. My experience with this foul demon told me I needed to remove its curse before it could claim any more souls. The snakes seemed to notice and expressed their gratitude for my aid and Jimmy gave an approving thumbs up. Jimmy's next task would instill the most integral Fey principles, that is subterfuge and trickery. After swallowing a potion to alter my appearance, we crashed the fight that Jeeng had arranged for his own training against a formidable mace handed warforged named Mace. I asked Jimmy to cause a scene to draw the crowd's attention while I cast some distractions to mitigate Mace's blows. In the end, Jeeng didn't seem like he needed my help to win this fight, taking hits and dishing em out like the champ he is but it was fun to mess with his opponent and Jimmy approved of my shenanigans.