Interlude: druid dropoff & dirty deals by Mr. | World Anvil

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Wed 12th Apr 2023 02:50

Interlude: druid dropoff & dirty deals

by Mr. Rimashin

On board, we began interrogating the Scarves puppet. She revealed that the contents imbedded in her stomach would 'end her suffering' and the spirits possessing her prevented her from telling us much, hinting that the bard had created her. When I attempted to remove this curse, it triggered the fail safe objects inside and exploded, scorching the ship a bit. With that lead burned our next step led us to Maria's domain once again to drop off the druids for safe keeping. M. Justine and Darren gave the Lady one of the dragonshards we recovered from the camp to see if she could study the magic imbued within. In exchange, she offered to help Justine develop a device to charm spirits in a similar fashion to her and the Bard's abilities. We then spent a day shopping in prep for the coming engine heist, during which time, M. Justine helped negotiate some 'good' deals for us. For my part, I traded in one shield for 2, one of which I gave to Jeeng. I also procured some gaseous potion in case we needed to slip through any cracks but ideally I would walk between planes to secure the engine if needed.