Interlude - The Overlord Lore by Mr. | World Anvil

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Fri 24th Dec 2021 04:41

Interlude - The Overlord Lore

by Mr. Rimashin

With the help of an artifact gifted to us, we teleported home and proceeded to revive Lyse. She woke briefly, letting us know the spell worked but passed out again after acknowledging her resurrected state so we asked Alphy to keep an eye on her since he would be recovering in tandem. I asked Jeanette of the Silver Flame to also check in on them after a few days for good measure. So far, Valerie the succubus leading the Cliff remained true to her word to spare Hearth but apparently she held off from attacking the other towns too, despite sightings of Cliff forces appearing near Norlahold and such. As we scouted the town for more information, we suddenly spotted a large plume of green smoke rising from the jungle, coiling like a serpent before descending upon mountains in the direction of Norlahold and the Cloud tribe we just left. Putting the pieces together, M. Penelope immediately scryed the rampaging Giant on the loose correctly guessing that he was the target of the Mist Serpent, which corroded everything in its path trying to kill this giant, nearly missing Norlahold but essentially destroying the paths between settlements in the region. Needless to say this caused the town more than a little panic so I volunteered my services to Gunthar again to help arm the townsfolk for the rest of the day. At about 2 in the morning, we were all awoken by an ominous voice issuing a final warning to vacate the region, which we could only assume came from the Lizardfolk devoted to the Mist Serpent. We started the next day by interrogating the Red Scarves captive... We discovered Valerie was an agent of chaos used by the Scarves but more importantly, the Scarves' plans involved something even more dangerous than the Mist Serpent, some beings called Overlords who ruled the world in ages past. Following this interrogation, we spoke with the Griffin corpse for more information, with L. Justine disguised as Red Tide member to more easily coax answers from it. He was not as clear as we'd hoped but he did allude to a familiarity between the Griffin and the Tide, possibly in how they choose their leaders. Before we all headed off with our separate missions, I had to consult L Jeanette of the Flame to see if I could learn more about the Overlords. Her tone darkened as she mentioned how the dragons of old created quetzali in order to seal the Overlords but how we might have to take more preemptive and drastic measures to prevent their awakening now with the quetzali extinct. She reassured me that she would spread the word to the other towns as we finished. With that we split up to investigate different leads with M. Darren and myself visiting Lady Maria. We arrived without much trouble despite the regions devastation after the Mist Serpent's rampage. M. Justine also gave us some corpses to trade for a a special order so that was the first order of business. We then gave Aurion a call on the Lady's mirror to check in and ask what both of them knew about the overlords and how to handle them but didn't glean much more than we already knew; their advice echoed the same leads, the lizardfolk lorekeepers, historians guild and ancient religious orders. She did impart a bit of wisdom pertaining to the Griffin, implying the mask and sword were used to store souls and their abilities to make each successive Griffin all the more formidable. Once we finished we returned to Hearth to regroup. M. Justine brought back many gifts from House Canith to assist us on a special mission to rescue M. Penelope's lost lover. We made haste with our preparations and teleported to the designated site...