Burning the candle at both ends by Mr. | World Anvil

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Wed 6th Apr 2022 05:05

Burning the candle at both ends

by Mr. Rimashin

Back home, we check in on Lyse, found she was haunted by a spirit as well as a RedTide blood shanty signalling the presence of a RT member in Hearth. We did manage to help her finally get some rest after this revelation. Our next focus, because we wanted to conserve our porting charges, was to seek the final component for our airship. In preparation for elemental hunting, I made Jeeng some fire resist armor and helped Darren acquire a frost breath potion. With no time to lose, we hopped a barge with the Zilargan gnomes to find our fire elemental. They explained a little of what to expect but the actual encounter saw us facing a much larger foe than normal. I stayed by the casting gnomes to ensure they survive the ceremony while the others scattered to the lures holding the elemental at bay just in time for the spell to complete. We walked away bruised and battered but also with one more piece of our airship secured. This left us just enough time to hurry to the congregation where our allies would discuss the fate of Q'Barra. Nathaniel represented the Silver Flame at this meeting, so I approached him, through Jeanette's introduction, to ask him to persuade the other parties to delay their military response by 5 days. We would use the time to investigate Jeeng's lead, a Scion Temple with potential resources to counter Mazverick's demonic power, though in what capacity we knew not. Our other related mission would have us expose the influence of Mazverick hopefully through the Mist members assigned to guard the tribes' loremasters. At the actual meeting, House Canith unveiled a super Warforged titan which admittedly put me off again, seeing one of my kind contorted into something so nefarious, a mere tool, a weapon to be used at the push of a button. Not to mention, it was powered by the souls of countless Lizardfolk. Despite any of our own moral reservations on using this weapon, its existence signaled the council's intentions to mobilize sooner than later, giving us only 3 days. With this new time frame we re-strategized to visit the League of Explorers first for more insight on how to travel to the goblin temple the Champions of Justice mentioned. There, we met one Reno Jackson, a professional dungeoneer who offered his services for our next temple run. Reno told us the goblin explorer, Gideon, harnessed energy from the Sea of Flames, Furnia to fuel his traps at this temple, to which we responded by regaling our most recent venture in capturing a fire elemental. With preparations in hand, we ported to the temple via a magical jar of dirt from the site. Upon arrival, Reno revealed a strange key to unlock a sweltering stairwell to the temple depths.