Festive Flights of Fancy by Mr. | World Anvil

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Day 20

Festive Flights of Fancy

by Mr. Rimashin

The festival was quite an experience, brand new to me. There were booths for quick carnival games as they're known, food from all sorts of origin, and large amusement contraptions which people "ride" for enjoyment and thrills. I was introduced to one of these 'rides' by some children whom I originally offered to tend after seeing how ill they were upon disembarking. Apparently people willingly anticipate the medical side-effects as part of the enjoyment. My warforged anatomy allowed me to ride the teacups more than a dozen times without any nausea but I'm afraid I still do not fully understand the enjoyment of such rides on a personal level. Perhaps at the next festival I can volunteer to tend to all such affected guests officially and possibly set up a medical tent. If not, I could always volunteer at the Mystery Inc. dunk tank again in place of anyone who would rather avoid getting soaked. A Dragon shard to bind an air elemental is required to convince a certain noble house to sponsor our airship endeavor as we found out so that shall be our first step, at some point.