Freefall by Sam | World Anvil

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Fri 3rd Jun 2022 03:21


by Sam Talbot

The tavern is gone. It's been smashed to pieces. I still don't know how things went so wrong... maybe writing it down will help?
As we were flying to where the lord of ice was to make his attack on the world, I asked Zudd if he could fix my scythe. Bless Borris's heart for trying to fix it the first time, but I need to have that weapon spotless when I bring it back to my dad. They may be alright with me going on my pilgrimage, but I don't want to push my luck. As we were each attending to our preparations, Eras came forward after mentioning the "boon" we stole from Lolth. He said he had a way to spread the awareness of the Drow armies to the whole world, potentially saving millions of people and giving the world a fighting chance. Naturally, we all agreed. During the process, I saw... I saw Amber. She kept saying I was being lied to, that this wizard was tricking us. I almost gave in, but just as I was about to turn away, the voice sounded warped. Almost strained. Realizing it wasn't Amber, my portion of the "boon" was taken from my body and placed into the spell. One by one we all had the boon removed until Eras had to make the final spell attempt.
As he was about to utter an incantation, dust fell from the ceiling. I tried to brace the ceiling with my ancestral scythe but to no avail. All I remember next is darkness and a sense of falling. I later found out from Noelani that we had all passed out except for her and Haefen, her Raven. She saw the Keepers of time snatch Eras, leaving the spell behind unfinished. We fell out of the sky, only saved at the last minute because of some quick thinking from a divinely blessed super-sized raven and Noelani. I just remember waking up to the glow of the smashed furnace, and the pain of getting run over by a goblin's stone slab. We were able to save Zudd, Idris, while Kahla managed to find Viravel just before he froze to death. Zudd was in a bad way, impaled by some timber. I managed to heal what I could, and luckily due to the fire flower K gave him, the wound had cauterized itself. We recovered Eras's spell as well, but when i reached out to it, I felt sick. it reached back to me as if it was alive. It's stored away now.
We had barely processed this and gathered what we could when K and Kahla, our scouts for danger, found another band of cultists with a horrific golem and monster in tow. The fight was brief, but brutal. Cordelia summoned some demons to eat the Golem alive, while Aerilyn wreaked havoc with confusion and control magic. Borris, Kahla, and Cordelia held the line while Noelani and I slung spells once we were able to climb the hill and get into the fight. It was close. Kahla and Cordelia were knocked unconscious and I had to revive them before they could be cut down.
We won, and now everything is quiet except for the wind blowing the snow around our tent and quickly made shelter. I don't know how we're going to keep going from here, especially with people who have no winter gear. I just have to trust in the path laid out before us, and everything will be alright.
I hope.