Into the Frozen Wilds by Sam | World Anvil

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Tue 28th Jun 2022 10:22

Into the Frozen Wilds

by Sam Talbot

We had to leave part of the group behind. There is so little time until ************
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returns. And I forgot I can't write their name. Well done me.
I performed my first funeral today. I wish we could have buried Razis, but the snow was too deep. I pray Chauntea forgives me for resorting to fire, but there was no other way. I'm not sure how to feel. Razis was a goblin, possibly a descendant of those who attacked my people less than a century ago. He just seemed so... ordinary? Well, as ordinary as a genius-level intellect goblin with a mastery over the arcane can be, but still. He helped us and even taught us how to create glyphs. The flying tavern was even his idea!
I just tried to do my best, and I hope it was enough.
There isn't enough time to protect the group we've gathered and stop the arrival of the ice lord. We had to choose and seeing as one option would result in the death of the world, our hands were forced. We made them a shelter and left them with provisions. They aren't safe, but they're as safe as they can be given our situation in this desolate place.
The cultists wander the woods. Signs of their wretched and unnatural magic surround us as we travel, sigils and pools of frozen blood crimson standing out from the gleaming white of the snow. We had barely started when we were ambushed from a cliff in our way. They caught us off guard and hit me first, but thanks to everyone working together, we managed to handle them.
Now we stand outside this cave. Noelani's raven is missing, and from what I understand, an Ice dragon from another plane is inside. Albrathanilar. We were told about this dragon briefly by Eras. The only thing I gleaned from what he said was that she is an enemy of the ice lord. Perhaps if we have time to speak with her before she decides to destroy us, maybe we can convince her to join us in the battle. I only hope that if we win that she will be willing to go back to her plane of existence....