Hidden Allegiance by Jeanne | World Anvil

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4 kuratorien, 2397 AR

Hidden Allegiance

by Marquise Jeanne de La Brouhaha

4 kuratorien, 2397


0010J hours
Hello marquise,
The conditions surrounding my assignment have become far more demanding as of two days ago. Um, which by his own admission is the correct spelling of the name, has been in the shape of a newborn with the personality of a pompous pretend-upper class dandy since soldag. A talkative baby is not on any list of inconspicuous behaviour. Indeed, I expect unwelcome attention should this expired joke of a person continue to maintain this appearance. At least I now know that Um is cognisant of his previous actions. He stated that Bartholomew "had it coming" and has pestered Nakor about wanting him to store fireballs in a ring, and mutters about "power" whenever fire is mentioned. Bearing in mind that fire was used in the murder of Bartholomew, I now harbour serious concerns about Um's stay at the ship. In addition, when questioned about his past and apparent imprisonment by Kronos, he claimed that he was saved; this is in direct opposition to the initial statement which held that he escaped on his own. Um could credibly have defended this by saying that his first comment was made out of an abundance of caution, seeing as we had just met, but he reversed course entirely. He "helped himself," a formulation that Conn, who was present, somehow seemed to believe. Thus, I have to operate on the assumption that Um conceals a contact or liasion, possibly an H- or D-type entity, and this poses an unacceptable risk to both the life and well-being of myself, the people I accompany, and the crew of the Swift Mermaid: an investigation must be launched and appropriate action be taken upon its termination.
And on that subject, during a business visit to an enchanter in Ashdrabad's Nightstalls, the owner and proprietary of the Madame's Watcher seemed to fancy herself an intelligence operative of some description, as she very bluntly greeted Conn as one of the dragonslayers of Harasan, and was quick to tell us that she was aware of who we were (though she did not address me as a slayer of dragons). This uncareful display was probably an attempt to establish herself as being much more knowledgeable and connected than she actually is. She missed the part where you are supposed to gradually, not instantly, reveal what you know to the other party. In any case, on our return, we were beset by an angry mob who pelted us with rotten fruit and flasks of acid. This little riot was likely orchestrated because we refused to give in to the demands of three thugs who accosted us when we entered the district. I was hit by two acid flasks; fortunately, they broke on my enchanted uniform instead of anywhere exposed. As such, whilst no permanent damage was inflicted, I do not plan on letting this indiscretion slide. No one provokes me with impunity. And no one throws acid twice with the intent to injure.
Ever vigilant,


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