Introduction to Politics by Jeanne | World Anvil

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14 ordinarien, 2397 AR

Introduction to Politics

by Marquise Jeanne de La Brouhaha

Diary of Iris
14 ordinarien, 2397


I have tirelessly, and for the most part futilely, arranged meetings and suggested various avenues of interest to Asterion, Epimetheus, and Damocles in Paramount. There exists not one thread or trace of collective care about anything outside the scope of crew and family in the mind of the captain of the Sara Militant and in that of the aspiring Hellknight. Asterion seems to subscribe to a philosophy of reactive isolationism and scoffs at the very concept of making connections and creating social networks here. This worldview is as dangerous as it is crackbrained, especially for someone who is already responsible for a crew of seventeen. Friends and allies are useful, a reality that Damocles at least is aware of, though his princely heritage has shown its biases. I do wonder if what he told me at Gallant-2 is true. If so, his motivations must be established: does he maintain contacts in Kestrel in order to avert assassination, lay the foundation for rebellion, or does he simply enjoy the art of interpersonal consultation? He is talkative, and has begun to show signs of independent forethought in his actions. Epimetheus, however, faces a reckoning, either by me or the order that he has sworn himself to. I find his flustering excuses as regards his inappropriate comments to be unbelievable. He has demonstrated a capacity to retain knowledge, as evidenced by the strategy employed against TARTARUS, so I must assume that he merely plays the part of a social imbecile.
For more positive developments, I commissioned three silver brooches, two in the image of the Sara Militant's ensign, and one in the likeness of my coat of arms. Hopefully Asterion sees the potential commercial and reputational advantages in projecting the image of the ship in public, and if not, they can still be used as map markers or weapons. Or toothpicks! The GALLANT ICARUS have agreed to a meeting tomorrow, and I have an idea of where to look for the unorthodox mercenary from Zenobia, who apparently is the twin of another mercenary soldier who previously accompanied the Sara Militant. Also, I have begun entertaining the idea of employing an adjutant to assist me in matters of underhanded importance: at the moment, the loyalty of the crew. The captain has recruited a number of new sailors, and since I never had the time to carry out a proper vulnerability and risk assessment, now would be appropriate. I have formulated a standard Purple Team approach in line with KRHS Regulation S/117, and assuming that parts of the crew can be compromised, I might be able to convince Asterion to, at the very least, implement crew guidelines and a mission statement for the Sara Militant. Increased individual responsibility, clarity of purpose, and fixed salaries with clauses for hazard pay and employment benefits are important in ensuring that subordinates feel appreciated and thus less susceptible to being corrupted by the allure of material temptation.
Quote of the day: TRAVEL ALONG WHILE DOING GOOD. A simple mantra that I hopefully live up to.

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