FATE Statblocks | World Anvil

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A Da Cool Shit! for Fate Core skill for your setting. Defines the four actions, possible specials, and links to example stunts! created by bennettm74
ID Name Tags
T:Receive receive da cool shit talent
T:Thaumaturgy thaumaturgy da cool shit talent
T:Stormcall stormcall da cool shit talent
T:Gnosis gnosis da cool shit talent
T:Project project da cool shit talent
T:Deflect deflect da cool shit talent
T:Craft craft da cool shit talent
Will will da cool shit
Stealth stealth da cool shit
Shoot shoot da cool shit
Resources resources da cool shit
Rapport rapport da cool shit
Provoke provoke da cool shit
Physique physique da cool shit
Perception perception da cool shit
Knowledge knowledge da cool shit
Investigation investigation da cool shit
Intuition intuition da cool shit
Fight fight da cool shit
Deceive deceive da cool shit
Ingenuity ingenuity da cool shit
Contacts contacts da cool shit
Ride ride da cool shit
Drive drive da cool shit
Burglary burglary da cool shit
Athletics athletics da cool shit