Stream Thankful | World Anvil

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I am thankful for my family (Biological and Extended). I am thankful for WA. I never realized I had so much to work through until I started worldbuilding. Some of my own stories were so cathartic I cried spontaneously for days. What started as a platform to play with/test AI consistency, has turned into a world with living breathing people/places/things. I am thankful for my work team, without them I would not have "off-work" time. Last Christmas was the first I have been able to spend with biological family in 37+ years. All because of them. I am thankful for my companions (furred and human (none that are both yet)). Their support and unwavering love have sustained me for 57 years. I am thankful for my El-sod family, who have become real extensions of my inner voices and become dear to me. And as always I am thankful for the culinary delights from all over this great world!
  PS: I am grateful for a Spectrum diagnosis. It is very late in life, but it has helped me to pack, fold and put away half a century of baggage and feelings of inadequacies in weeks/months. Better living thru awareness! #thankful #SpectrumRules #WAForTheWin

Prepared, and Thankful!

You can always count on the ADHD-brained worldbuilder to save things for the last day! Finally, I present my completed homework, and I'm sharing it with some things I'm deeply thankful for this year.
WorldEmber 2023 | Ages of Magic
Generic article | Dec 2, 2023

My pledge, prep, and plans for WorldEmber 2023!

Thank you, friends!

I'm so thankful for...
  • the cheems, who inspire and encourage me every day with their excellence
  • my fellow Tomies, who continue to bring fantastical visions to life all the time
  • my community, who tunes in to hang out with me as I build my world on stream
  • my partner, who listens to my ideas, even when they don't make sense (yet)
  • myself, for taking steps to take care of myself at the tail end of a very difficult year
  • WorldAnvil, the team and community alike, for making this platform my virtual home and a safe space to explore my creativity
Not long now, before the writing frenzy begins. I just wanted to tell all of you, "thank you for being a part of my journey so far. Let's keep adventuring together for a while." ❤
#WorldEmber #WorldEmber2023 #WorldEmberPrep #HomeworkClub #Thankful #TheOwlworks #Malkora


Colossians 3:15 "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful."

  Today and always, I pray that, through whatever you all may be facing in your lives, you feel the powerful peace, love, and strength of Christ forevermore.
  Whether you're celebrating anything today or not, I just wanted to say that I'm #thankful for you all and I love you all so much! I am grateful that each and every one of you are part of this community. Those who are active every day, those who only lurk, and everyone in between! I appreciate all the followers and people I interact with, even those I see around who I don't have much interaction with. You are all unique and very special in your own way. <3

Thankful for WA!

This year, I'm #thankful for so many things!
  Here's my list for this year: - My wonderful partner, for always supporting my writing and being my awesome co-creator and beta reader! - My family, for always waiting to read the next article! - My friends, for being a part of my story and working so hard to help me through life! - And my READERS, for constantly supporting my writing with likes and comments!
  Thank you all so much for an amazing year of WA, and I can't wait to write through more! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thankful for many things

Hello everyone & happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans.
  I can say that I'm very #thankful to GOD Almighty for the opportunities & experiences I've had so far in my life.
  I'm also thankful to the support that I have received here on WorldAnvil from those who follow me, & encouragement from everyone else.


It's been a long time since I've posted but!! I decided to join in on the #thankful train. Let's go!!  
  • I'm thankful for my friends and family, who keep me going through everything. I love them so much!!
  • I'm grateful for World Anvil, for the website and team and the community, for existing!! This website has done so much for my creativity over the years. I don't think I would still be a writer today if this website didn't exist. I also may be too shy for a lot of the social stuff, but I lurk around and this supportive community is the best.
  • I'm thankful for all my new hobbies that I've started, especially knitting!!
  • Thank you so much for reading, I hope you are safe and well. Try to treat yourself to something today, okay? You deserve it. <3

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I am #thankful for SO many things this year.
      • I'm thankful for all the messages I've been reading here in the community posts. They're so heartwarming and I love that you're all soldiering on even in adversity.
      • I'm thankful for my ridiculously steady job. After years of being underemployed, I finally landed in a stable position with benefits and yearly raises.
      • I'm thankful for my kids. My three boys are the light of my life and I'm so happy to see them growing into fun, kind men.
      • I'm thankful for my spouse. She is my true friend and partner and has allowed my life to stabilize and blossom in ways I didn't expect when we first met.
      • I'm SO thankful for WorldAnvil and the community here. My creativity has never been as active and powerful as it is now, and it's all because of Dimi & Janet!
    What are you thankful for? I'd love to hear from you.

    It's a #Thankful Day!

    Okay, I'm grateful every day, but it's that time of the year when, traditionally, we usaians like to shout a yearly roundup from the rooftops whilest stuffing our faces. :D
      For the past several years, we've gone to the beach with husbando's family and watched Hallmark movies all weekend with his mum--we lost her this summer, so instead of going we'll take some time to watch a Hallmark movie in her honor together this weekend, but spend time with close friends on turkeyday. This year, we're cooking our part of the feast at a friend's house (I'm making devilled eggs and husbando is making his crack'a'roni and cheese.).
      We were going to take another friend out for the day to hang out with everyone (which we were all looking forward to!), but she's having a wicked flareup and won't be able to travel even with our help, so instead we're taking the feast to her place! We'll keep her company, celebrate turkeyday AND her birthday, and play some board games like the wild and crazy kids we are. Leaving in about an hour here and I am EXCITE!! :D
      Some other BIG (and little) things:
  • I am grateful for all the wonderful folks I've met on WA. You are incredi-freakin'-ble- lovely and I appreciate your existence, your ferocious hearts, genius big brains, and delicious senses of humor. Thank you for letting me know you and please keep sharing your amazing worlds and stories, because you inspire me with every notification <3
  • To a special few Anvilites: Thank you for being MORE than family. Thank you for accepting my weird, and enabling my best :D
  • Last week I got a freakin' amazing official Luridity logo commission back from TJ Trewin and I can't stop staring at it :D Eventually I'll figure out where to plaster it all over the world. And all over my WA world of Luridity, too. XD
  • I've had some awesome opportunities this year to connect with writers and other creators, including some with WorldAnvil! I'm grateful for every single chance I get to hang out with all the super cool folks, and to be able to share things I've learned with the hopes that it will help someone else, because helping is one of my favorite things :D I can't wait to see what and WHO my 2024 will bring!
  • Watched several friends publish books this year, one of whom just had her DEBUT NOVEL come out, and I am so proud and thankful to be able to share that joy with them--as well as read all those juicy, juicy tales!!
  • First time since our bankruptcy we have had a month that is NOT riddled with overcharge fees from the bank, and we are SO excited and proud of ourselves!!
  • Finally got kidlet's comprehensive psych testing done so we'll finally be able to get help from the education system in the coming weeks.
  • AND we found her an awesome psychiatrist we'll start with before the end of the year's even up!
  • The birds have returned in force now that a couple of the rowdier feral stray cats in our cul de sac have been missing for a few days. I'd suspect fowl play but haven't seen the geese since the goslings have become grown. There have, however, been a suspicious amount of visiting crows. XD
  • We appear to be over the flu! After dealing with aftereffects of covid vaccine booster and then the flu right on top of that, I'm SUPER grateful to be feeling better today. Kidlet and I only have a bit of a sniffle left this morning and hubs' flu shot appears to have protected him altogether, so this is one HAPPY Dani.
  • I am grateful that my muse appears to be gearing up for WorldEmber! This month has been productive in the refilling of the well and I can't wait to unleash it in December. :D

  •   #Thankful for all of you, Much loves, a Dani

    Wolfe Tracks: What am I thankful for?

    Following what Dimi, Mochi and others have done....
      What am I #thankful for? Good question, really, what am I #thankful for?
      Well, to be honest, it's been a rough year. It's had way more ups and downs that I care to even count. I'm not one to share much about me but it's Thanksgiving right? So, here we go...
  • I'm thankful for my health. That's the foundation for everything moving forward.
  • I'm thankful for my family... especially my Partner in Crime. :) When she's not seeking the Dark Forces to join them in their Villainous Crusade she is my ghoulish guiding light. ;)
  • Also, I'm thankful for my friends! They are my inspiration. My own eclectic collection of muses. They cheer me and offer suggestions while I write, worldbuild, game design, and code.
  • I'm thankful for my work. It may be a slightly toxic little workplace, but it's allowed me to create and code magnificent things. Without it, I wouldn't be able to do what I do now in coding projects and really even in game design.
  • This next is a big one, I'm thankful I took the time to finally work on the rough edges of my life and who I am. I started seeing a professional some months back to work through workaholic issues and wound up slapped with a diagnosis I wasn't AT ALL expecting. It threw my life into a WIDE tailspin. But I'm glad I started that and will continue to invest in being "Me 2.0", which will take time.
  • I'm thankful for the community here on World Anvil from Dimi, Janet, Graylion, Jamie Buckley, Tillerz, Davina and SO MANY MORE. I'm quiet and may not be as easily seen but I'm there. I appreciate the community, and every single comment I get from posts. Especially that little "What I'm reading" I scribble out as I can. I read every comment and I'm thankful for each and every one of them and of you.

  •   Last...
  • I'm thankful for the hard times and challenges this year has hit me with. Some rather awful ones that tried their best to break me. Didn't happen. Instead, they just knocked me down, so I stood back up, wiped the blood from my nose and kept going. Challenges are what can make you better. They are the exercise. The happy times are the rest. The Dark and the Light... and you can't have one without the other. So I'm thankful for those hard times that knocked me down. Because it propelled me forward toward Hope once I stood back up.

  •   So with that I pass this on. What are YOU #thankful for?

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I'm actually so hyped to eat food you have no idea.  
    • First of all, I'm #thankful for my friends. They mean the world to me and I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for them.

    • I'm thankful for my family, who continue to love and support me in all my shenanigans.

    • I'm thankful for this community that's accepted me with open arms. It feels like my work has gotten more love this year than ever before, and knowing that so many people think my silly little passion project is neat really means so much to me!

    • I'm thankful that Sonic Frontiers exists cause holy shit that game is peak fiction like oh my god have you SEEN the wyvern fight perfect sync??? (I will be saying this every thanksgiving from now on for the rest of my life probably bsfhjbfvjb)

    • And I'm thankful for the stuffing, potato casserole, and gravy I'm gonna absolutely DECIMATE later on god.

    Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! And if you don't celebrate it I'm sending you good vibes via bluetooth anyway! Have a good one!


    Gratitude, true gratitude, is not recognized enough all year. Perhaps if it were we would have fewer wars and crime. I'm just one little tiny voice, so what do I know. But here's what I'm thankful for. * My family. All of them. Even the family members who irritate me. I'm so glad they are here and force me to be a better person. * I'm thankful for the brain I've been given, the skills I have and the gifts to use them. * I am thankful for my friends. * I am thankful I live where I do. I am surrounded by beauty, peace and wild animals. *I am thankful for World Anvil, Dimi, Janet & their team that enable us to have WA. *I am thankful to all of YOU, reading this right now. Be good to each other. World Peace is not just a dream. We can have it one day.


  • I am #thankful for this community, which lifts me up in some of my darkest times—times that there have been a lot of in this past week since my layoff from work.

  • I am thankful for my wife and children, who love and tolerate me.

  • I am thankful for the community I'm leaving behind at the university, many of whom have written to remind me of their love even as they cope with their own rage and sadness about how the university has treated me and what the loss of me means to our beloved MFA program.

  • I am thankful to have found my way back to art, and that folks have expressed interest in buying the first comic book I completed in 20+ years
  • 20

    A thankful year

    This year has been full of achievements, particularly within my worldbuilding.
  • I am so very #thankful for the Anvilites in this community that have shown me and my worlds support.
  • I am thankful to my family and friends who cheer me on as I write. They have no idea what on earth I even write, but they see it makes me happy so they love it for me.
  • I am thankful for my job; I get to work around such incredible animals in such a unique and comforting environment.
  • I am thankful to World Anvil and the WA Team for creating a website and cultivating a community that has changed my life. Thank you <3
  • I am also thankful that WorldEmber is coming...
  • 35

    On Gratitude and Turkeys #THANKFUL

    I don't celebrate Thanksgiving.

      I mean, I'm not American (much). And I never grew up with the tradition, because here in Europe it's some strange, turkey-worshipping festival that crops up randomly on TV shows from the States.
      Instead, we celebrate FRIENDSGIVING. It's a word I thought I invented until I looked it up - turns out enough of us have been using it that it's limboed its way into Merriam Webster.
      So what does that look like? Well, where I live, a country whose traditions involve boats instead of Christmas trees and fish instead of crosses, we all gather ourselves together, eat a random assortment of FAR too much food, and share... well, share what we're grateful for. Whether that's simply surviving a tough year, or thriving and exploring new facets of ourselves.
      Because for all the colonialism and grand, soporific turkey consumption, the core of Thanksgiving is one of gratitude. And whilst gurus spout mantras about gratitude walks and gratitude journals, I think a lot of us - me included - take for granted and even complain about things in our lives (looking at you, giant responsibilities) we should be grateful for.
      So, let me practice for Friendsgiving:
  • I am thankful for my wonderful husband, who makes every day brighter and more beautiful, and who helps me embrace the good in life. (He also has a nice butt!)
  • I am thankful for the chance to provide jobs to amazing people and let them work in field they're passionate about, and I'm thankful that the people I work with ARE so passionate, bright, creative and enthusiastic. My team makes going to work a pleasure.
  • I am thankful for our incredible community. It still boggles my mind that Dimitris and I started this community; but a community, by definition, is bigger than two people! The credit goes to the community itself, from the first sparks of the forge to the latest member sharing their enthusiam and kindness with others.
  • I am thankful that I am finally finding time to work on myself. I started therapy a few months ago, and whilst it's been a very difficult road and there's a long way to go, I'm thankful I finally made time o invest in my own well-being.
  • Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate. And for those who don't, I will say taking a moment for gratitude - with or without a deep fried turkey - can be a very relieving and uplifting thing to do!
      (Don't believe me? Here's a post from the Mayo Clinic about the physical benefits of gratitude! )  

    What are you thankful for this year? #thankful

    I will start -
  • I am thankful for my wonderful wife for being so supportive and imaginative and intelligent ... plus SO hot!
  • I am thankful for my team, all of them, creative, smart, sharp and kind
  • I am thankful for my amazing brother, mother and father that are always there and their way try to help
  • I am thankful for my best friends Nondas, Mark, Yiannis, Christina and for my incredible cousins Ioanna and Katerina that they want to play with me DnD each Monday.
  • I am thankful that I am still ok and that I have started therapy to make sure that my burnout doesn't get worse.

  •   Create your own global post and tag it with #thankful

    Extra Thankful This Thanksgiving

    After sitting in a car for nearly 18 hours traveling to our destination for the holiday tomorrow, I realized that I had barely checked World Anvil and was spurred to do so after seeing Dimi's Discord announcement. I checked my notifications as always and noticed something amazing had happened.  
      I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone that has made every part of Isekai possible. From those that have given us help and inspiration to those that leave comments and kind words and those that just lurk and read, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I never once thought we'd get this far when I started binge writing here four years ago.   I wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans and amazing holidays to come for all!   #IsekaiNews #thankful