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Evanora Crowe

Witch of the Night Evenora Crowe (a.k.a. Killer of the Angel of Death)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

by Nightcafe

Birth and family

Evanora is the only daughter of Delano Crowe and his mistress Maera Cross. She was born as a witch, which meant she had a target on her back from the moment she was born. Witches at that point in time were hunted down. That was the reason her father had several mistresses in the hope that at least one of his offspring would reach adulthood. Evanora did not have a close relationship with her father and the rest of her half siblings. Because they were witches of the Morning branch, meaning that their magic was at it peak during the morning, while Evanora and her mother were witches of the Night branch.

Becoming the Night Witch

Evanora was gifted from birth, it has being whispered that this was because she was born near the great crater. Which was house to a great comet which fall during the Comet shower. But the former Night Witch was taken with her and named her his successor, which is the only way a witch can become one of the three Witches. She took up her mental with graze, and took her role seriously.  

Tomas Altergo

Tomas Altergo, later known as the Angel of Death, was the love of her life. She only had trouble showing him this much. They had a passionate love affair, even if he was not a witch but a Scrib. Still she wanted to show him her world, which she did a decision she later on regretted. Because he took that knowledge, and burned down a school with children. She never forgave herself for this.
by Nightcafe
by Nightcafe
Evanora has a daughter, Silver Crowe. The girl looks a lot like Tomas Altergo and it has being whispered that he is the father of the child. Only Evanora denied this, until her death. Silver however believes this to be true, because her mother took her to Tomas Altergo's grave every anniversary of Tomas's death. Until Evenora passed away herself ten years later. Naming her daughter the next Night Witch.

The war

The burning of the school in the year 1998 R.M. was the start of the war between the witches and Scribs. Which was a conflict that was already brewing of course, but this set it all off. Evenora however kept her distance from all of this, feeling guilty about the school and afraid that she needs to face her former lover. (The father of her child). But she faces him in the end.  

Witches against Scribs

Evanora did not have much choice to enter this battlefield, purely because it came too close to her house and her daughter Silver. She did not know that Tomas Altergo would be there, and not that intended to kill her. She did her best to spare him, but it was all for naught. There was no other option then to kill him.  

Death of Tomas Altergo

The death of Tomas Altergo broke something in her, that is what people close to her wrote own in their accounts of her. She buried his body in the graveyard near the Cathedral of the Night. She visited his grave every year with her daughter Silver, until her own death ten years later.  
by Nightcafe
by Nightcafe
by Nightcafe
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Witch of the Night   Killer of the Angel of Death
Date of Birth
16th day in the month of the Owl
Date of Death
16th day in the month of the Owl
1950 2010 60 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Old age and a broken heart
Place of Death
Current Residence
Black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
He was my world and now that he is death...     I know what he has done.
— Evanora
Church of the Witches
Known Languages
Common: Mother tongue   The Language of Fliguian: Second Mother tongue   The Language of Sinidian: Advanced
Summer camp July
Generic article | Jun 9, 2024
Character features
Generic article | Apr 13, 2023


Evanora was homeschooled which was not strange for a witch at the time. This because of the witch hunts, her mother taught her magic, but also writing in common, The Language of Sinidian, which is the language of the Scribs. And in the The Language of Fliguian, which is the language of the Witches of the dawn. Math was also in her curriculum. All her studies were during the night, when her magic was at it's peak.  


Evanora was just a normal witch, until the former witch of the night, his name was lost in history, died. He had named her his successor. Becoming one of the three witches, leaders of their kind. She took op that role with pride and care. Establishing schools for the three branches of magic so that children could learn in groups. Something she was proud of, but later in her life this achievement became tainted. This because of her former lover burning down one of the schools.  

Accomplishment and Achievements

She was a very gifted witch, something that became known early on in her life. This only meant that magic came easy. But it was because she was so gifted that she became the Night witch, was able to establish the schools of which she was so proud of.   Her becoming a mother of her daughter Silver brought more joy in her life.  

Failures and Embarrassments

Evanora hated the role she played inside the burning of the school, which started the war. It was she who showed Tomas Altergo the location of the school. It was she who had a relationship with him, and she who did not have the heart to stop him sooner.  

Mental Trauma

Evenora blamed herself for the destruction of the school and the death of all those children. It was something that hunted her throughout her life. But that was not the only thing, it is also the fact that she was the one who killed Tomas Altergo on during the battle Witches against Scribs. She mourned his death, until she passed away herself ten years later. She is being buried in the grave next to his.  


Evanora hated the fact that she had a relationship with Tomas, and she hated it even more that people started to point out that her daughter Silver looked a lot like him. Something she kept on denying until her death.  

Special Abilities

Evanora was a strong and gifted witch, from the Night branch. Which means that her magic was strongest during the night.  

Religious Views

Evanora was also one of the founding father's/mother's of the Church of the Witches and layer of the first stone of the Church of the Witches were she lived until she died.  


by Nightcafe


Azor was the standard companion of Evanora where ever she went. Although she was accompanied by more then one owl. Only those were all different owls, Azor was the one who rested on her shoulder. Who delivered her important letters and her best friend. The strangest thing is that he arrived at her crib when she was still an infant and he was nothing more then a chick. He died not long after she died, and his corps is still sitting in the tree next to her grave.  

Cover image: by Nightcafe
Character Portrait image: by Nightcafe


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