Arpin Settlement in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil


Arpin, originally a refuge for the Arpynians after the destruction of Arpyneaketh after the events of the Vow Tangibles creation. Aprin has flourished into a vibrant oasis town in the Del'Rae Desert, especially following the fall of the Del'Rae Cactus 82 years ago. This event transformed the surrounding desert into fertile lands, catalyzing Arpin's growth from a small settlement into a bustling community. The town's population surged, attracting settlers, traders, and scholars, leading to expanded agriculture, trade, and research.   The government and infrastructure of Arpin adapted to accommodate this growth, with new defenses, industries, and guilds emerging to support its diverse economy. The town's history of resilience and adaptation is a testament to the spirit of its people, who have turned a once harsh landscape into a thriving center of biodiversity and innovation. Today, Arpin stands as a symbol of prosperity and ecological rejuvenation, embodying the transformative power of community and nature.


Arpin's demographics likely reflect a diverse mix of desert-adapted races and cultures, with a significant portion being Arpynians. Other inhabitants include nomadic traders, scholars are drawn to Ascelin Veabrid's Wizard Tower, and even a few reclusive magic users. This diversity fosters a rich cultural tapestry, with each group contributing unique traditions and knowledge to the settlement.   The demographic of Arpin diversified further following the fall of the Del'Rae Cactus. The influx of new settlers brought a variety of skills, cultures, and traditions, enriching the social fabric of Arpin. The population now includes botanists, ecologists, and other specialists drawn to study and exploit the desert's sudden fertility, alongside the original Arpynian descendants and desert dwellers.


Arpin is governed by a council representing the settlement's various factions and families, ensuring decisions benefit the community as a whole. This council includes representatives from the Acolytes of Trithereon, scholars from the wizard tower, and leaders among the Arpynians, making decisions through consensus.   The government of Arpin adapted to the changing environment and growing population by formalizing its structure. The council expanded to include representatives from the new industries and communities that emerged post-cactus. This evolution reflected the settlement's transition from a survival-focused community to a thriving town with a complex economy and diverse populace.


Arpin's defenses is multi-layered, combining physical barriers like walls and watchtowers with magical protections emanating from the wizard tower. The Acolytes of Trithereon and other trained defenders would conduct regular patrols, and the community employ early warning systems to detect threats, utilizing both magic and traditional desert survival skills.   The growth in vegetation and population prompted a reevaluation of Arpin's defenses. The town bolstered its physical defenses to protect against new environmental hazards and potential threats from those looking to exploit the desert's resources. Magical defenses were also enhanced, leveraging the increased knowledge and resources available in the thriving community.

Industry & Trade

The industry in Arpin was focused on sustainable oasis agriculture, producing food and medicinal plants adapted to the desert. Trade was vital, with caravans bringing in goods not available locally in exchange for Arpin's unique products, such as magical artifacts from the wizard tower, crafted goods, and perhaps even knowledge or magical services.   The industry in Arpin shifted significantly with the desert's transformation. Agriculture became a major sector, with the town exporting food and medicinal plants. Trade routes expanded, bringing in goods and knowledge from far and wide, as Arpin became a key player in the region's economy.


The infrastructure in Arpin is designed to maximize the oasis's resources, featuring irrigation systems for agriculture, communal living spaces, and fortified structures for defense. Ascelin Veabrid's Wizard Tower stands as a beacon of magical research and defense, it also houses artifacts and tomes valuable to the community's survival and prosperity.   The revitalization of the desert landscape around Arpin necessitated significant infrastructure developments. New irrigation systems were built to manage the increased water flow and support expanded agricultural areas. The town also invested in roads and buildings to accommodate its growing population and the surge in trade and research activities.


Arpin is divided into several districts, each serving a specific purpose: a residential area for families and individuals, a market district for trade and supplies, a scholarly district surrounding the wizard tower for research and education, and a sacred district for worship and ceremonies, highlighting the community's spiritual and cultural practices.   With the desert's transformation, Arpin developed distinct new districts, including a research district dedicated to studying the desert's ecological resurgence and an agricultural district that capitalized on the expanded arable land. These districts became integral to Arpin's identity as a center of learning and agriculture in the desert.


Key assets in Arpin include its water sources, essential for life in the desert; the wizard tower, providing magical protection and knowledge; and the Acolytes of Trithereon, ensuring the community's defense. Additionally, the oasis's unique flora and fauna, adapted to desert life, are invaluable for food, medicine, and trade.   Arpin's assets grew to include vast agricultural lands and research facilities focused on desert ecology and botany. The community also benefited from new water sources uncovered as the desert bloomed, securing its water supply and enabling further expansion and prosperity.

Guilds and Factions

Besides the Acolytes of Trithereon, Arpin hosts a variety of guilds and factions, including traders' guilds, artisan collectives, and scholarly societies focused on desert survival, magical research, and the preservation of Arpynian culture. These groups contributed to Arpin's economic and social fabric, ensuring its residents have access to diverse skills and services.   New guilds and factions emerged in Arpin, including agricultural cooperatives, ecological study groups, and trade associations. These organizations played crucial roles in managing the town's resources, conducting research, and navigating the economic opportunities presented by the desert's transformation.


Founded by the Arpynians as they sought to rebuild their lives after the loss of Arpyneaketh. Over time, it has grown into a beacon of hope in the desert, attracting a diverse population and becoming a center of trade, scholarship, and magical research. Its history is marked by challenges overcome, from scarce resources to threats from the desert, shaping the community's strong, cooperative spirit.   The history of Arpin took a dramatic turn with the fall of the Del'Rae Cactus. This event marked the beginning of a new chapter for the town and the desert, transforming Arpin from a refuge into a thriving community at the heart of a blooming desert. The town's history became a testament to the resilience of its people and the transformative power of nature.

Points of interest

Points of interest in Arpin include the wizard tower, known for its striking architecture and magical research; The Temple of Trithereon, a spiritual center; and the marketplace, where traders from across the desert converge. Natural features like the oasis itself and any unique desert gardens or sanctuaries would also attract attention.


While Arpin might not be a traditional tourist destination, it attracts scholars, adventurers, and traders drawn to its magical research, unique desert culture, and strategic location as an oasis. Visitors might come to study at the wizard tower, participate in cultural exchanges, or seek the Acolytes of Trithereon's wisdom.


Arpin's architecture would blend practical desert adaptations—such as thick-walled, mud-brick homes for insulation—with aesthetic influences from Arpynian culture, featuring vibrant textiles, intricate carvings, and communal courtyards. The wizard tower, made of white marble, would stand out as a symbol of the community's resilience and magical prowess.


Located near the Del'Rae Desert, Arpin is situated around a life-giving oasis, providing a rare source of water and greenery in the harsh desert landscape. Its geography includes the oasis, agricultural areas, and possibly some natural defenses like rocky outcrops or dunes.   The geography around Arpin changed drastically post-catcus destruction, with once barren lands turning into fertile fields and lush landscapes. This transformation altered the town's relationship with its surroundings, turning it into an oasis of biodiversity and a center for agricultural and ecological innovation.


Arpin experiences the extreme climate of the surrounding desert, with hot days, cold nights, and minimal rainfall. The oasis mitigates these conditions somewhat, creating a microclimate that supports agriculture and life.   Post-cactus destruction the climate in and around Arpin became more temperate, with increased rainfall and milder temperatures supporting the growth of diverse plant life. This shift contributed to making the town and its surroundings an attractive destination for settlement and study.

Natural Resources

The oasis is Arpin's most critical natural resource, supporting agriculture and sustaining the community. Other resources might include mineral deposits in nearby areas, plants with medicinal properties unique to the desert, and possibly magical resources linked to the land's history and the wizard tower's research.   The natural resources available to Arpin expanded beyond water to include fertile soil, diverse flora, and previously scarce fauna. These resources underpinned the town's economic growth and its status as a center for agricultural and ecological research in the desert.
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Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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