Naming Traditions
The names associated with any peoples tied to Arpynians are open among multiple races. The people now have numerous naming traditions connected to the various races they make up. The main style of names is very similar to Egyptian naming conventions. In Xanathar's Guide to everything, there is a list of female and male names from Egypt.Ideals
Beauty Ideals
During the significant era, these people had massive amounts of need for cosmetics and other concepts of being beautiful. Many banquet meals in the old capital of Arpyneaketh. However, after the events of the Vow Tangible, all hell broke loose, and these people had to adapt for survival. In modern times beauty isn't something these people look after. They will go to spas and have standard hygiene, but beauty is an absent thought. That is a significant change from the great era of these people.
Gender Ideals
The idea of gender is very accepting. As multiple races make up these people, every race brings gender traditions to the Arpyian culture. Regardless of culture, the more masculine person is the one that is required to make the first step in courtship.
Courtship Ideals
The courting process of an Arpyian takes time. Some are smitten by a great hunt. Some are entertained by having walked around the Oasis of Life out of Death. Even some will take their crush to the illusion stories that Ascelin Veabrid puts on. Regardless of the event, some sort of dating ritual is initiated by the more masculine of the courting couples.
After a courting couple has undergone the dating rituals and has devoted themselves to each other. The more feminine of the couple seeks out a gemstone that represents their love. They will then present it to their lover. If the more masculine of the couple accepts. They will seek out a way to split the gemstone into two pieces. Then, they will take it to an artisian to make it into something they believe represents their love. If the more feminine one in the relationship accepts the gift, they are then engaged.
The next step of the courtship is a massive wedding is put on. This has evolved over time. It used to be something the more feminine partner's family put on in celebration of them being accepted into a new family. This evolved over time as the culture of Arpyians moved from being domesticated to nomadic then back to domestic. In the more recent years, the head of Arpin or their tribal Pharaoh is responsible for hosting the weddings. All weddings need to be blessed and approved by the Pharaoh.
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