The Guards Behind Us Report Report in World of Arith | World Anvil

The Guards Behind Us Report

General Summary

Wanesun 14th


  After defeating the guards who mysteriously appeared behind them, the Venatore quickly spoke about where they may have come from. While they could have come from the unexplored southern corridors, going all that way without light would be difficult for human guards. Rostam suggested that maybe the sound he heard in the junk room was from a hidden door. Figuring that would be the most logical suggestion, they went back to the junk room and investigated.   Entering the junk room, they soon found a concealed door hidden behind a torn wall hanging. The door had no handles from this side, but was propped open a bit. Behind that door was a guardpost, with a spyhole to watch the northern room. A door to the south, in the west wall led to a bunkroom where four grizzled guards led by an equally grizzled commander engaged them. Adrea took up a front defensive position. Balan's guan dao sliced through the abdomen of one of the temple veterans, which he followed up with an angry smite. While Crasokk and Rudy peppered them with arrows and bolts. Elyot and Rostam rained mind slivers and eldritch blasts on them. The veteran guards were tough as nails, but soon they started to fall. One of their number rushed to the south, but fell before being able to do anything. After dropping the guard, they quickly found the secret door in the south wall and surprised another 4 seasoned guardsmen led by two veterans. The guards and their leaders were good, but the Venatore had learned from their forays into the Temple and were becoming a well-honed party. Soon the guards fell. Adrea called upon her healing spells to heal herself, while Rudy and Crasokk attempted to recover bolts and arrows.   Opening the north door on the west wall, Elyot went in to investigate and was almost slain by a hidden assailant. Getting a nasty poisoned rapier attack in, the leather-clad man easily circled the room, avoiding many of the companions' attacks. He asked if they liked the rose he left in the tower and banged on another door to the west, yelling "Brunk, get out here." His demeanor changed when he and the party heard a bolt clang from the other side of the door. Attempting to escape, he dodged and dashed around the room, trying to reach the northern passage, but was unable to escape the Venatore. Balan lay hands on Elyot before her life slipped away, and potions did much of the rest to restore her so she could continue their fight.   Rudy was able to unbolt "Brunk's" door, which opened into a ten-foot-square bed chamber with an open door on the opposite wall. In the next room were several people. Crassok recognized a few of them as leaders of bandit gangs throughout the hills. They were led by two rageborn, a swordsman and a rogue. The rogue seemed to be in charge, and as the battle began, one of the bandit chiefs called him Brunk. Elyot, furious at being that close to death unleashed minute meteors on the band, catching groups of bandits in the explosions. And Adrea summoned guardian spirits to punish the temple forces. The swordsman was very good and was able to pierce Adrea's defenses a few times before deciding to open himself to attacks and go after less defended targets. He did a number on Balan, but soon fell. Once the swordsman fell, Brunk and the bandit chiefs began fleeing through a south door.   The companions pursued the fleeing enemies, but once out of eyesight, Brunk seemingly disappeared. The chase led into a large hall littered with broken furnishingsThe hall was forty feet wide and stretched east with many passages to the north and south. The companions picked off a few of the bandit leaders as they fled and saw at least one flee to the first northern passage, but Adrea spotted a figure to the south. Rostam headed south to press the attack, and came face-to-face with a very large bugbear, with other bestial noises coming from the passage behind it.  
Trouble in Hillsboro
Rostam Qajar
Adrea Ravensworn
Report Date
11 May 2022


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