The weird wilderness Geographic Location in When the Curtain has fallen | World Anvil

The weird wilderness

As soon as one leaves the city, the Familiarity of the areas they visit tends to drop drastically. How many people can say they know well all the roads surrounding a city and more so all the land between them? The Familiarity of those areas rarely rises above level 2. And so, those lands quickly become alien, weird, and impossible. Forests of Steel, meadows where all the grass blades have been replaced with glass shards or incomprehensible road signs, sideway landscapes, giant holes to nowhere, lands covered with staircases, and even places where gravity and other laws of the universe stop working, are only a few of infinite possible sights to see out there.  

No maps, no return

Thanks to the shifting nature of the world as it is after The Curtain fell, maps are completely useless here. Additionally, when one travels around the city, their own memories of the places they just have visited are in some way enhanced by the memories of all the people who lived there before, so when one leaves a settlement, the land stays the same for some time. Here, in the wilderness, once one leaves a certain area, the areas behind them change, making returning to the ruins of civilization almost impossible. This is why there aren't many people who'd decide to travel outside the city without someone who traveled the road in the past. Someone who'll be able to raise the Familiarity, even if only to level 3.  

Flora and fauna

Both the Spirits and plants that exist here tend to become weirder and more abstract. Anything humanoid is almost impossible to encounter, while animal shapes start to show up more. The concepts of spirits also change and become less orderly. When it comes to the natural ones, one could encounter a spirit of smells or sounds, a spirit of sunrays falling on the leaves, a spirit of the flow of time, or a spirit of rocks tumbling down the mountain.   Similarly, the plants also became completely different. Their colors, shapes, and materials their stems, flowers, and leaves are made out of. And while it is still possible to encounter a normal plant, it's rare enough that those who say they managed to do so are often doubted by others. The Wilds became the home to Weird fruits. Those products of the changed flora, similarly to the plants, come in various shapes. Compared to normal fruits, those brave enough to taste them might discover (if they survive, of course) that Weird fruits affect them in many different ways, both beneficial and harmful. Some of them are so powerful that people are willing to risk their lives to find more of them, either to sell them or use them by themself.   There are almost no humans that decide to settle in the wilderness.
Alternative Name(s)
The Weird, The Wilds, Outside
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species

Seasons and weather

Weirdly, while everything else has changed so much, the seasons stayed the same. And while they tend to swing toward their extremes (very hot summer, walls of snow appearing during winter, rains during spring and autumn), that also seems more familiar. Seems like that concept was so deeply engraved into both humanity and the world, it couldn't really be warped, even when the weather itself was. So, during a season of rain, there still will be rain, it just might be different from the one one could expect. For example, there might be rain that comes straight from underneath, rain of light bulbs, or one of the Wet days.


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Jul 17, 2023 07:42 by Catoblepon

The wilds sound fun but yeah, I'm not going there xD

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