The Archbishops of Dis Character in Waking Materia | World Anvil
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The Archbishops of Dis

The Bannermen of Dis, Denouncers of the Old Accords, High Priesthood of the Dust King

Similar to Overshepherd Rom's Twelve Valkyries, there are thought to be Twelve Archbishops that answer directly to their Supreme Pontifex, currently "The Dust King" Malbolg the Tribeless. Also similar to the Valkyries, they are each nearly as powerful as the The Duskscape Regents themselves, represent minor concepts within Malbolg’s purview, and as a result may individually receive prayers and grant charms & insights. Alongside their Supreme Pontifex, the Archbishops rule over the impossibly huge, towering hive city of Dis, and therefore over a vast region of Materia's Near Umbra.

In truth, the Dust King’s rule is supported by thousands of demonic and chimeric sycophants in a complex hierarchy; the “Twelve” are merely clergy that appeal most to certain appetites on Waking Materia. To most demons, Materia is a dimensional backwater barely worth acknowledging, and indeed even the Dust King’s empire mostly values it as a “back alley” source of undead chattel: a valuable resource in violation of The Old Accords, whose signatories agree not to enslave dead or dreaming souls. Disians believe soul enslavement to be a protected tradition and sacred right of demonkind, and that the Old Accords pave the way for even more "modernist" cultural erosion.

The alignments of the Archbishops range between Lawful Evil to Chaotic Evil, but are mostly Lawful.  

Appearance & Heraldry

  See also: Archbishops of Dis Image Gallery (External)
Typical of demonkind in general, the Archbishops are widely varied in form and appearance, representing hundreds of branching and sometimes ancient lineages.  


Material cults of Malbolg and its “Twelve Archbishops” are common throughout Material history, though few grew to significant size due to infighting and a tendency towards isolationism. Mortal swords of the demonic pontiffs are generally called Blackguards. Where Aiosian Paladins are agents of Good, Umbraasian Greyguards are agents of Order and V'Shaatian Dreadnoughts are agents of Bravery, Malbolg’s Blackguards are agents in opposition to all three. Sometimes victims of great tragedies, other times born inexplicably evil, The Dust King’s mortal swords draw great power from their hatred of the world, thinking the Disian model to be a harsh but superior blueprint for society.

Common among Disian cults is the belief that each of the Twelve Archbishops represent an aspect of the eventual Apocalypse or End Times, such as war, selfishness, pestilence, fear, apostacy and the like. Some seek to delay the Apocalypse by satiating the Disian hordes with vile offerings and alien rituals; others aim simply to gain favoured status among their victims when the time comes.  


Domains that fall under The Dust King’s purview but not in its possession include Passion, Zeal, Trickery, Swarm, Ambition, Knowledge, Might and Dust.  

Favoured Weapon

Favoured weapons of the Archbishops will commonly reflect their evil personalities; perhaps of brutality (e.g. a greatclub) or deception (e.g. a kusari-gama).  

The Twelve Material Emissaries

Yet to be researched. -- The Author.

Profile art: Supreme Pontifex CCXXVII Jovia of the Emerald Dream. She would be deposed by the modern Supreme Pontifex CCXXVIII Malbolg the Tribeless. Suspected artist is Goran Gligović but reverse searches have not confirmed.
Banner art credit: (Left to Right) Vincent Proce, Chris Cold and Wayne Barlowe.

Articles under The Archbishops of Dis

Cover image: by Left to Right: Vincent Proce, Chris Cold, Wayne Barlowe
Character Portrait image: by Unknown


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