Reíkh-Nokh-Hrínth Settlement in Waking Materia | World Anvil
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Reíkh-Nokh-Hrínth (often shortened to Hrínth) is a major dwarven city, part of a tensely allied group of outpost civilizations collectively known as Túúr. The name means "Bright Terminus One". It is part of a vast geological complex beneath Valamon and is the primary diplomatic link with the mostly Meranthic Valamonians.

Hrínth has a population of approximately 120,000 people, the vast majority of which are dwarven. There are also small populations of Meranthic humans, drow and demons of the Near Umbra. Residents speak a language called Túúrian, a dialect of Vestige Tongue (Old Dwarven).

The city is connected to the other cities of Túúr partly via tunnel and partly via Duskscape pathways where the Veil separating the Waking and Umbral worlds fades to nothing (a more common phenomenon in the Cthons). Some of these Umbral paths are claimed and defended by the Waking Túúrians, while others involve agreements with their demonic landlords.  


Including the "Bright Termina" (Gate Cities) of the great dwarven civilization of Túúr and surrounding islands.


  See also: Túúr & Hrínth Image Gallery (External)
Outside the gate-city sprawls the primarily-human settlement of Highlodge, where much of the trade between dwarves and Valamonians is done. It is one of the few places on the continent where Selvaalans (lowlanders generally associated with Valamon City) and Norvaalans (Kalevan Freemen) coexist in peace; those who break this peace can expect harsh punishment from Highlodge's dwarven landlords.  


Túúrian architecture can be described as brutalist with a fondness for carved stelae and murals. Túúrian architects like to retain the "character" of the surrounding rock, resulting in a wide range of local styles depending on local geology and how its "character" is interpreted.


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