Seer Character in Villain Academy | World Anvil


Seer is a person holding the rather distinguished position of the First Sidekick of Invincible, the de facto most powerful and famous hero of the United States. One would expect her background to be - at least in rough terms - known to the public. This, however, isn't the case, a fact that caused many speculations to arise.   What is truly known is that Seer is by all intents and purposes Invincible's exclusive mastermind, the exact capabilities of her quirk remaining unknown to the public. The result of that is a significant underselling of her abilities, a fact that both Seer herself and Invincible were highly supportive towards as it meant that she could focus on their hunt for Archvile.   It was in fact her individuality that led to Archvile finally being cornered and eliminated.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Closer to the flatter and narrower end of the scale, her less than stellar diet for the majority of the childhood resulted in a rather stunted development. She had trained herself very hard when combat was involved, allowing her to become surprisingly agile and flexible, but her strength is severely lacking. She is noted to possess an extremely fast reflex, which some speculate to be connected to her individuality.

Special abilities

Her individuality is called Word of God. She can ask a question that will be instantly and perfectly answered, with the words themselves appearing somewhere within her line of sight, at a distance that she can read them from and visible only for her. The answer takes into account knowledge that she doesn't possess, although more 'philosophical' questions (such as 'does God exist', 'where do individualities come from', 'what was the Wish-Granter' or things like 'what are humans') remain unanswered. Questions that are more of an issue of circumstances (like 'is political ideology X a good one') remain unanswered as well.   In the end she can only ask questions that have a definite answer for that she could at least theoretically find out for herself in certain circumstances. Her individuality also appears to be capable of seeing a near-future (of up to hour, approximately). This ability would have make her an entirely broken character, if not several crucial weaknesses.   Her individuality has an effective range. The longer she goes without using it, the further the distance that Word of God applies to. She needs a week without asking a question for it to reach a kilometer distance around her current position - if she asks for a location of a villain, who ISN'T in the distance in question, her 'stockpile' will be depleted entirely but she won't receive an answer. If her stockpile reached the radius of a kilometer but she'll ask a question about someone who's located three hundred meters away from her, she'll be able to immediately ask another question, with maximum effective range of seven hundred meters.   It took her years to finally nail the location of Archvile thanks to spending all that time amassing the stockpile until Word of God could cover entire North America. She asked of his whereabouts in about an hour, allowing Invincible to rush to his position (with a help of some teleporting hero), resulting in Archvile's death.

Apparel & Accessories

She is typically wearing a gray suit, with Invincible-themed tie - a fact that makes her rather stand out, while really contrasting with her generally cold demeanour. She is also wearing glasses, although whether it's a part of her 'intellectual' looks or if she genuinely needs them is something that only Seer knows.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The reason for Seer's backstory remaining unknown to the public is both because she herself prefers to forget about it - and because it was deemed as the best way of keeping Archvile away from the people that she cared about.   Seer's earliest memories are that of an orphanage somewhere in the poorer parts of the United States, the ones that never trully and fully recovered from the Yellowstone explosion. An orphanage that while not actively abusive, was extremely underfunded and neglectful. This changed when she was fourteen years old... unfortunately, for the worse. A local supervillain decided to take the orphanage over in order to 'profit' from the children, with the regional law enforcement being either bought or simply unaware of what was happening.   Seer attempted to use her individuality (that she kept secret in fear of becoming even more of a target) several times in order to find someone who could save her and the others, to no avail. That changed one day when her individuality finally 'fired' properly, telling her to escape the orphanage now, and ask a particular person that she would meet on certain street in thirty-seven minutes for help.   She did just that. The person in question listened to her plea and told her to wait there for a few minutes. Seer misunderstood that and decided that her individuality lied to her, and the person she just asked for help either wasn't going to help her - or was going to contact her orphanage about her 'story'. She decided to return to the orphanage and hope that no one noticed that she vanished.   The thugs controlling it where in the process of beating her to death when the man she asked for help arrived. It turned out that her individuality led her to no one else than Invincible, in his civilian identity, the man asking her to wait for him so that he could change into his hero uniform. When he returned and saw her gone, he hurried to the orphanage in question (although due to having to ask for directions, he arrived there right after her).   The thugs - and the supervillain in charge of their gang - were promptly arrested, Invincible calling the local media and exposing the whole situation to ensure that the public fury would force the police to do the proper investigation into the corruption in its rank that permitted it to happen, and then used the money from his own foundation (the one supported by the money he got from merchandise) to ensure that the kids recovered from it where properly taken care of... away from their home state, in case for some relatives of the arrested villains tried to look for revenge.   It was probably a small surprise when years later Seer showed up at the doorstep of Invincible's hero agency, with a diploma denoting her as a hero school graduate, asking to be allowed to become a sidekick at it. Invincible agreed. From then, due to her loyalty, work ethic and extremely useful individuality she quickly continued to raise in the ranks.


Graduated from a hero school, gaining the required knowledge about the law and proper self-defense skills. She also gained a degree in criminology and learned enough about computers to be a highly competent programmer and hacker.

Mental Trauma

She gets VERY serious whenever crimes of sexual nature (especially rape and/or paedophilia) are involved. It borders on a berserk button, but its mostly a controllable zealous anger.

Intellectual Characteristics

Emotionally cold and of rather clinical outlook on things (with only a handful of things capable of making her truly heated). Highly intelligent, although not to the same level as top class masterminds (like Revenant or Mindscape). However, her individuality grants her a rather unfair advantage that in certain circumstances allows her to outperform those two.

Morality & Philosophy

Ever since Invincible showed her what true heroes are like, she has continuously striven to becoming one herself. She is wholly dedicated to saving as many lives as possible, even if the cost for that would be her life.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely powerful support individuality, greatly complimenting her skills in investigations and criminology.
Despite the combat training she received, she is at best somewhere between an average police officer and a counter-terrorist unit operative in terms of combat skills. When engaged in combat by an actual villain, she'll probably die.

General Information

Alignment: Hero
Rank: Sidekick
Class: Mastermind/Support
Threat Rating: A
Type: First Sidekick
Location: District Columbia


Year of Birth
2127 33 Years old
Long, brown.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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