Archvile Character in Villain Academy | World Anvil


Archvile was considered by many to be a myth - though he was far from that. He was the unspoken dark lord of North American continent. The emperor of all villains - that even supervillains themselves feared. The person that had their hand in most acts of terror and criminal activity throughout the continent, with majority of heroes and the civilian population not even knowing that he existed.   He was believed by many to be the most dangerous supervillain in the history of the world. Indeed, considering the incredible strength of his individuality and the fact that he used it for a sole purpose of causing pain and suffering, he was a solid contender to that throne. Just as he was a solid contender to the throne of the worst man ever born.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Archvile was believed to be either in possession of a shape-shifting ability or having an access to someone who could change his appearance. His appearance varied between sightings. In one particularly egregious case, he appeared to someone in the morning as an overweight Latino woman, and in the afternoon as an elderly caucasian male.   The true reason for that was Archvile granting someone a 'reflect individuality' individuality, and then promptly granting him a shapeshifting individuality, that was reflected back to Archvile himself, at the cost of numerous negative side-effect that made Archvile not repeat the process ever again.

Special abilities

His original individuality was called Bestowal. It allowed Archvile to grant customized individualities to other people - under certain conditions.  
  1. He could only give a single person a single individuality - granting a second one typically caused a variety of side-effects resulting from negative interactions between the individualities in question.
  2. The powers he gave someone also had to be aligned to the receiver's personality - for example, giving a fire-based power to someone with zero interest in fire (or, even worse, with fire-related trauma) would either not work or even kill the receiver.
  3. Too strong of an individuality given to too weak of a host, would also kill the latter. As a result, he had to tailor the strengths and weaknesses of the individuality in question before granting it to someone.
  His second individuality was Shapeshifting. It allowed him to freely change his appearance, although it didn't work instantly and it also gave him (due to being his 'second' individuality) a plethora of side-effects, such as growing issues with recognizing himself in a mirror and worsening general mental state.

Apparel & Accessories

No two confirmed sightings of Archvile describe his apparel identically. There is however a single common element to them all. Archvile always appeared wearing an outfit referencing a comic supervillain. It could be a blouse colored after Magneto's outfit, it could be a T-Shirt with a picture of Joker printed on the front of it. That was, by all intents and purposes, the one and only way to even suspect who you were facing.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

No one knows where Archvile was born, just as no one knows his real name. For as much as the world is aware, Archvile didn't exist - and then, suddenly, he did. Starting a trail of corpses - or people wishing that they were dead - that lasted until his eventual death at the hands of Invincible after the failure of his final gambit. With his operational secrecy, it's hard to even say when exactly he started his career, FBI and the Hero Association took years to even begin suspecting his existence - and even then, a scant few people realized or even suspected what his individuality was truly about.   Archvile practically singlehandedly pushed the United States towards increasingly draconic (and, eventually, authoritarian) security measures, simple due to the unending growth of villainous activity that he spearheaded forcing the government's hand. His crowning achievement was the First Villain War, which nearly resulted in the toppling of the US Government.   He was eventually killed. Officially, he died when the government dropped a nuclear warhead on the headquarters of the People's Liberation Front, unofficially because he was cornered by Invincible at about the same time as the nuke was dropped, and subsequently beaten to the death before the identity of the body was confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt. Said body was then incinerated, and had its ashes scattered.

Gender Identity

Unknown. Suspected male, but there are some unconfirmed sightings of Archvile appearing as a woman. He is believed to be a shapeshifter, a fact scarcely explainable even with his individuality.

Failures & Embarrassments

His greatest failure and embarrassment - one that he kept hidden from the world until his death - was the fact that Invincible, the most powerful of american heroes, received his individuality from Archvile. The dark lord never forgave Invincible for conning a power out of him and then attempting to end his life with it and continued his attempts to end Invincible's life - unsuccessfully. Eventually, it was Invincible that triumphed.

Morality & Philosophy

Archvile was a monster. If his own words were to be believed, he was a perfectly normal human being with no mental issues - that at some point awoke one of the world's most powerful individualities. He could use it for the betterment of Mankind, but he saw no reason for it. As a result, he set up to discover just how much pain and suffering he could cause before eventually dying (preferably of old age).   There was no reason to that. No ideology. No traumatic backstory. Archvile decided to discover how evil a man can get - and managed to cause the death of millions, simply for his own enjoyment. Evil was his raison d'etre. Everyone was a tool for him to use... or a victim to prey upon with said tool. He could pause trying to organize a bombing of a Hero Association base merely to see if he can drive a random person he saw on the street to suicide without them even knowing that they were targeted by someone - simply because he decided that the former form of villainy was something he was currently bored off.   And a week later he could notice an alienated teenager from a local high school on the internet... and start pushing him towards accepting an individuality and committing a villainous equivalent of a school shooting, something that he would do for no other reason than a fleeting enjoyment of making someone commit act an evil.   It eventually turned out to be his undoing when his two biological children that he sired to see how evil he can make others realized that they were being treated as toys by him. As a result, Judgment and Nemesis abandoned him, leading to his final confrontation with his archnemesis invincible ending with Archvile's swift and brutal death.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

His strengths weren't limited to his individualities. Archvile was an incredibly intelligent individual, a case of a true villainous mastermind, with very few intellectual equals. He had a plethora of experience in leading both criminal organizations and in countering police operations, leading many to suspect that he was a former member of some criminal organization, or a former police officer (some even suspected a former CIA operative).
For all his skills in manipulating people and granting them powers, his combat skills very severely lacking. Sure, he was trained extremely well in combat - to the point of being considered an equal of a trained special forces operative - but he lacked dedicated combat individuality. This meant that when cornered by a hero without his lackeys to defend them, Archvile was helpless.

General Information

Alignment: Villain
Rank: Supervillain
Class: Mastermind
Threat Rating: SSS
Type: Terrorism/Organized Crime
List of Connected Organizations: People's Liberation Front


Strength: C
Agility: B
Durability: C
Technique: A
Inteligence: S
Evil: SSS
Strength: C
Agility: A+
Durability: S
Technique: A
Inteligence: S


Date of Birth
Year of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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