The Breadbasket Geographic Location in Vallanna | World Anvil
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The Breadbasket

Forming a large part of Golden Plateau, The Breadbasket is an extremely fertile and lush area of The Kingdom of Vallanna, and is home to many small farming communities. Food from The Breadbasket is exported all over Vallanna, and recipes from the region have become staples of the national diet.   Consisting officially of all of the lands of Golden Plateau south of the west-flowing Sirith-dûn River, The Breadbasket stretches towards the southwest, along the border with The Kingdom of Ashalla, ending in the eaves of the Forest of Serenity; the internal Vallannan border with The Southern Baronies region.


The geography of The Breadbasket is very conducive to its use as Vallanna's farming powerhouse. Gentle, rolling hills and vistas stretch smoothly from the Sirith-dûn River as far as the Forest of Serenity unbroken by harsh geographical features. To the south, the region is hemmed in by the Aeglir mountains, and in the east by the Cliffkeep Mountains. Part of The Breadbasket is also taken up by Niphredil Forest.

Fauna & Flora

The life of The Breadbasket has been heavily cultivated for many centuries now, with much of the land partitioned into a multitude of agricultural fields. Much undisturbed natural life still remains, however, in the many open wild fields and hedgerows of the area, with occasional small copses and wooded areas playing home to larger animals.   The farmers of the area plant many food crops in the soil of The Breadbasket - Wheat, Barley, Oats, Corn; plus any number of different fruits and vegetables. The sheltered, warm climate of the area makes for bountiful harvests of almost anything that the experienced farmers choose to grow.
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