Yers va Weirland Organization in Uto Daeg | World Anvil

Yers va Weirland

Name translates to "Kingdom of Weirland."

  The first peoples to conquer the flooding plains and desolate hills of Weirland were the more serious Halflings from western Riverlands. These Stout Halflings preferred the strong currents of The Lauf, the greatest river in the continent, and turbulent Weirsea to the easy-moving and lazy Riverlands waters. Here a good, honest Halfling was sure to find satisfaction in hard work and commitment to the land around them.   All leaders must use the Rite of the Seal to claim or keep the throne.


(Defunct) Bergmeister, duke/duchy, lord/lady, commoner   (Current) Governor, Mayors, Benefactors (police, affluent), serfs


Fish rule all here. Whereas Evoria has farmers to work the land, Weirlanders work the sea and rivers and streams with their own farms, their weires.


Standing Army: 10,000
Crack Troops: 3,000
Reserve: 5,000
Ships: Fifteen river-galleons, fifty river-galleys
Strongholds: twelve large castles, including the capital's castle; thirty-three smaller castles/outposts


In the mid first millennium of the third age, the halfling Stammeisters' final warning went without action. The Stout halflings separated themselves, taking their families with them west from the Iron Quay. They shook hands with reproach in their eyes and bid their countrymen farewell. The Lightfoot halflings did not understand the dour tone, explaining that there would be amicable trade between them.   Led by the intrepid Adet Reiddale, the halflings pioneered into the Riverlands during the hottest summer of recent memory. Flies from the then-sprawling Ognatum Swamp assailed them. Disease spread among the slower and weaker. A few families decided to splinter off into the fertile lowlands, others simply went back to the Riverlands. Still, they continued.   After two months of hard travel, they finally settled at the great inland sea. They dispersed and settled on the bywaters and splintering streams, planting their metaphorical stakes into this grand fertile land. Farming became the mode of work until one water-minded family placed a weir in the streams. This family had been harassed back in the old land for this practice, for no fish would be caught to make it worthwhile. Now, the family enjoyed bushels of salmon every night, growing in size more than any others. Their starved fellows took this practice for themselves and hence the namesake of an entire country.   The Weirsea was settled by the rare seafarers of the Halflings. These few dozen families — each with martime names such as Driftwood, Fullmast, Oarhand, Hardeck, and so on — forested the surrounding timber and built lakeships. They sailed hither and thither, finding the small islands on the inland sea and cataloging each with great accuracy. It was they who founded the Weirhead's foothill towns, which are still not as popular as the gentle Rushes. These sailors are the best sailors in the lowlands.   Weischham family were the most keen and mercantile-oriented halflings to come into the new land. For one hundred years they accrued deals, and founded the trail between the Low Cliff up to Canstin, and created a ferry network across the Rushes all the way to the Lower Manduskians. They were hailed as the rulers of the land and set up the first elected council, the Bergmeister. Many lords and ladies have served peaceably under the rule of the Bergmeister.   Since the establishment, not much history other than tall-tales and folk legends can be told. Strength with the Riverlands improved and with Evoria. Canstin and Weischham enjoy a symbiotic mercantile whose gold and goods have flourished in the several hundred years since their initial founding. When Evoria acquired the Weirland, reverie ensued in Canstin and Weischham with the final linking of the two towns.   The Avian races support a good amount of the population, being drawn to the Weirsea and Rushes. The port town of Stadt in the contested Reichendale region. Amicably disputed, this region is the perfect blend of Riverlands and Weirlands culture and influence. It currently stands in Riverlands but Weirlanders consider it their own. This port calls many exiled Avian Races in Daeg into her harbor and from there the avians receive a very warm welcoming, for although the Stout halflings come across as cold, their hearts and propriety radiate warmth.

Demography and Population

Common: Halfling (Stout)
Uncommon: Halfling (Lightfoot), Avian races
Pockets: Human, Half-elf, Dwarves, Half-orc
Outlanders: Dragonborn


Eastern Manduskian territory.

Foreign Relations

Strong ties with Riverlands and was once considered Riverlands before granted independence a thousand years ago.   Healthy ties to Evoria, especially now since they are part of it. Good relationships with Canstin, where they purchase wheat and bread.   Brin Balo has a tedious relationship with Weirland. Some deep offense was committed by one of the two and both view the other down their noses.

Full Nets, Happy Homes

Founding Date
3E 1351
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Riverland's Progenitor
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Legislative Body
Up until Evoria's acquisition, Jauzlein decreed laws. Evoria and Jauzlein worked on making the laws compatible.
Judicial Body
Wandering judges stationed in Weischham go to villages and hamlets to judge crimes. These are accompanied by at least four guardsmen.
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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