Passing of an age Tradition / Ritual in Undinia | World Anvil
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Passing of an age

The ritual of seeing out one age and seeing in another was a tradition started by the Moon Elves during the Phervian era. The first prophecy was to the Phervian mind council claiming their era was ending and a new 'age' would start. As the final century of the Phervian wore on all those with prophetic abilities started seeing the same prophecy in glass, crystals, and water.  

Seeing a name

The ritual of picking the name of the next age is performed over a five-year stretch, ending in six seers having a joint vision.

The first vision

In ancient times Moonseers would look into the pond of Dul Ath Tel'nodel to read the passing of time and guild the future. They often would name stretches of time in the future to help prepare the elves for it. It was in fact a Moonseer that warned of the Rebel age and the end of the Phervian era.   After Seap Acadamy was built on a waypoint of several magics, it was decided that the changing of ages would be marked there, under Realgil's watchful eye. To mark this decision the Moonseer who had the original vision handed the dragon a book to record the ages in, the book having exactly 36 pages.  

Picking the Seers

Five years before the end of an age Raelgil will fly south with five of his kobolds to the Moon Elves and seek counsel on who will seers will be. In his mortal form, he hovers crossed-legged in front of the Moondial. Through this process, he links with the weave of prophecy, and more importantly, temporarily sees who it swirls around strongest.   He will then send his Kobolds out to find these seers and bring them to Sepa Acadamy, gifting them his vision of magic to complete this challenge.  

Predestined journey

The five Kobolds will rush to their meeting location, following strands of prophecy, Once at the meeting point the Kobold waits, often integrating into the society, within their place of residents they set a small shrine to Qruzsoi, Seeliea, and The wanderer. It has been noted that on the two occasions the Kobold did not set up the shrine, the Seer they were to meet was missing from the ritual.   At some point over the next few years, a group of adventures meets the Kobold, with the Seer showing up two days later. The adventures then escort the Seer to Sepa Acadamy.  

Visions in the ice

Once all the Seers arrive, they go up to the top of the crystalline tower of Raelgil's lair. This normally takes place in the first days of an Age. From there they all meditate on a large crystal in the center, receiving visions of the upcoming age. All these are recorded on a single page of the Book of Ages before a name is chosen based on the visions.   Once picked, messengers are sent out around the world to announce the new age.  

Whats in a name

While it is not exactly known what is behind each age or the visions had, being guarded within the book. Bits and pieces are known from both the Seers themselves and students in the area.  


While it was the Moonseer who named the age, the vision of the four emissaries became well known due to the number of seers having it. Named after the rebellions seen throughout the vision, this is one of two ages where the ritual wasn't performed.  


The five seers were a Moonseer, Queen Eva, Iti, two shifter elders, and a cleric of Seeliea. While little is known about any of the visions, it is known all seers saw a flaming sword at some point. It is also known that Eva saw her city both burn and stand tall, influencing her decision to surrender without a fight. Named the Divine Age due to the divine zeal of the empire of Akoom.  


It should be noted that this only had four seers as it is one of the occasions a shrine wasn't set up to the correct gods. The four were Iti, a Dryad, a Rivellian lady, and Cleric to Akoom. This is reported to be the fastest ritual in history, with all the Seers screaming about blood in seconds and the Cleric even throwing himself off the tower. The incident gives the Age its name, with students of the academy reporting as seeing Raelgil scorch a page of the Book of Ages.  


The seers were a Moonseer, Shifter Elder, Kalastar druid, Civipish death cleric, and a Siren. It is known each saw at least two chromatic dragons in their image, with the Kalastar even stating that Essyrri would start a war she cannot win. These led to the name Chroma after the dragons seen throughout the visions.  


Once again only four showed up, as one of the Kobolds couldn't reach his meeting spot due to the magical effects surrounding Vakava. These four were, however all Fey in nature, including queen Tatiana, leading Raelgil to skip the Visions and just declare the Fey age. This caused a minor uproar in a few places till the Moon elves declared the Crisis of the Fey age beginning.
Four emissaries will arrive to end your foul era, brought through by one of your own. The Emissary of War will shatter your people, the Emissary of Death will show your slaves hope, the Emissary of Shadow will seal your cruelty, and the Emissary of Beasts will give the world peace. Your era is ending, it is its last age, and the age of Rebels is coming.
- An Elvan Moonseer to the Phervian mind council 1000 years before the Void portal is opened.
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