Tsuwamono Mister "H" and the Royal Attaché

Mister "H" and the Royal Attaché

Life, Organisation Association

Introduction: Othéa

Passing through one of the corridors of Nijō Castle on his way somewhere else, Ryūzaki Sanosuke was almost moving so quickly that he missed a great tear in the wall to his right. It wasn't a hole in the material. Not as such. Instead, it looked like a rip in the very world, revealing a bare portion of somewhere else beyond. As Sanosuke slowed and investigated the anomaly, he was in a prime position to observe the dapper man who strolled through. A cane came first, followed by an immaculately-trousered leg. Then, the rest of the gentleman, topped by a fine mop of white hair.

For all the gentleman's grandeur, Sanosuke's attention was focused on the woman who came after her. Dressed in foreign finery and no small amount of golden jewelry, her curly copper hair overshadowed a bedazzling pair of round spectacles. Clearly, neither of these people were from around here.   As is common when a portal to the land of dreams opens in one's hallway, Sanosuke was somewhat at a loss for words. Fortunately, the gentleman seemed ready to pick up the slack. He introduced himself simply as "H". In the same land but another time, that letter might have had some unfortunate connotations to it. But he was not to know that. The woman gave her name as Othéa, and Sanosuke's interactions with a certain flamboyant Dreamer came to his aid in discerning the little flourish in its pronunciation. They were both from the Dreamlands, where Sanosuke's own cohorts had visited not long ago. Upon meeting with several individuals from the realm of "Japan," Miss Othéa's curiosity had been piqued, and she wished to see that place for herself.   With that explanation, "H" went on to ask Sanosuke for directions to this place called Japan. On this count, the Silver General was well able to offer his aid.   The realization that they'd found their destination so soon clearly pleased both of his visitors. "H" soon excused himself, however. By the gentleman's own account, his presence was rarely welcome in any given place for long. He stepped back through the portal and sealed it behind him, leaving Sanosuke and Othéa alone.   By this point, the Silver General had largely regained his composure. It was his duty to be a good host, after all, even to unexpected visitors from the conceptual planes. Othéa, however, seemed more interested in Sanosuke's clothing. From the fine weapon at his hip to the clothing befitting his status, she was able to accurately guess that he was a lord of this place. Sanosuke didn't try to deny it. Without asking for permission, Othéa stepped in, running her hands across the threads of his clothing, smoothing a crease here, attacking a wrinkle there. When she finished, she stepped away and asked if he had a mirror.   Sanosuke did not. At least, not on hand. A quick look down at himself was sufficient, however. Othéa's hands had perfected his already exquisite outfit. Her fingers had somehow put the perfect crease to every joint and brought out the color to deeper and more vibrant shades than should be possible. Even when walking amongst the country's elite, Sanosuke had rarely seen an outfit this fine.   That seemed to have been intended as a sample of Othéa's abilities. She had some experience working with those in command. Smoothing the way for them and ensuring that they always looked their best. Other tricks, too, were at her disposal. All she asked in return was that Sanosuke allow her to observe and, perhaps in time, share in his successes.   It was not a difficult decision for the Silver General to make. He rarely shied at bolstering his own forces, especially where lovely women were concerned. Sanosuke offered Othéa a room in the castle, which she accepted without hesitation. So long as she had access to the servants, there should be nothing else that she needed to start serving as part of the Silver Meteor Storm immediately.