Secrets of the Buried Oni Plot in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Secrets of the Buried Oni

The location of the Mōri Clan's grand arena is no coincidence. Deep beneath its stone halls, a secret gathering of occultic Oni gather. These are the Hannya Sūhai, and this is their Sanctum. As followers of the mysterious monk Hannya-bō, members of the Sūhai believe that by extruding their emotions externally, through garish expression like that represented by a hannya mask, they can achieve an inner clarity which brings them closer to enlightenment. Although the Sūhai have currently allied themselves with Mōri Motonari, they are not strictly part of the Mōri Clan.   Membership in the Sūhai is exclusive and by invitation only, but it is by no means limited only to oni. The group's unique philosophy has attracted outsiders beyond even the Mōri. Among such foreign members are Matsumoto Ooawagaeri in his guise as Fubuki, Ankokuji Ekei, and the "Living Buddha" Rinzai with his wayward protégé.
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