The Questus Blade Item in Totania | World Anvil
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The Questus Blade

The Questus Blade is a sword that once belonged to the 59th Grand Wizard of the Draconian, Felonius Questus.  

Felonius Questus

Felonius Questus was a reluctant fighter who, after failing to grasp bardic practices, instead learned enchantment. He found that, surprisingly, he was quite good at it.   However, he never liked using it too much. Yirthum, the village where Draconian enchanters studied and lived, had a reputation as the "Weak Village." This was due to the sometimes absurd uses of enchanting that were not always useful in combat.   So Felonius enchanted his sword and kept to himself, living in a small home in the Draconian capital of Zephys. He only became known again when he accidentally killed the 58th Grand Wizard, thinking he was an invader. It was the Questus Blade that had helped Felonius kill such a powerful individual.
Crordoth Narakas by Jarhed
  Felonius kept to himself for most of his time as Grand Wizard, not wanting the position and preferring to wait until someone killed and replaced him. The amount of times he used the Questus Blade on purpose is much less than the times he would simply accidentally hit someone with a thundrous strike. Eventually the death he wanted would happen when Crordoth Narakas came to kill Felonius.   Crordoth had prepared a perfect plan, to use his Mind Magic to have Felonius kill himself and then Crordoth takes the blame. With how unkillable Felonius had been seen by the world, Crordoth even thought there was no way he could kill Felonius.   Felonius, however, put his head on the table and allowed Crordoth to kill him. He said he was waiting for this, and had only one request. He asked for Crordoth to return the blade to Yirthum, where enchanted items belonged, so that it could be stored safely. Whether this happened after Crordoth killed him is unknown.  

The Blade

The Questus Blade is made entirely of metal, with the blade being a silver alloy while the hilt is copper. Silver is the most conductive metal on Totania, so it can channel the magic into it much better. Copper is also conductive, but just a bit less than silver to not shock the wielder too much.   The blade itself is curved in a way that allows slashes from it to be more aerodynamic and deal more severe damage upon striking. It cleaves much better than a simple straight blade, which is only helped by the speed of the blade.  

The Enchantment

Many wondered what the enchantments on Felonius's blade were when he was alive. However, after his death and the publication of his diary, a full list was found. They are as follows:
Grand Wizard Salasar Feaphed by Jarhed
  • Lightning- Both a speed and power enhancement, this coats the blade in lightning which can then strike the target as well as propel the blade
  • Sonic- Once connecting, the blade makes a loud thunderous BOOM! This can stun and deafen the enemy.
  • Echo- When an attack lands, there is a chance that the sword will repeat the attack with its magic, hitting the opponent again with it.

  • Mega- Speaking into the blade triggers a thunderous effect where ones voice is then spread out in a large radius. Good for speaking to crowds.
  • Heal- The magic in the blade can be attuned, if powered by the wielder, to heal whoever it touches rather than hurt if the blade is not swung, but instead placed on an injury.
Though not all of these are useful in combat, the sword is practical. After all, Felonius Questus never really wanted to fight, so the sword was made to help him end a fight as fast as possible and do the things he deemed more important when the fight was over.   Those that seek to wield it often hope to live up to Felonius, but some say that none are worthy to wield both the combative and leaderly powers of the blade. If there is ever one worthy, one would hope they could find it.
Felonius Questus by Jarhed

Current Location

The Questus Blade's location was something that people did not even consider the following few decades after Felonius Questus died. It was only when Kicad Bavul, one of the Village Chiefs of the village Yirthum, began looking into prominent enchanters and their techniques, that the idea came that people should look for this sword.   Captain Commander Narkard Leran of the Elven Guard found it, giving it to his third in command, Captain Aeydark Lesuant.   Alongside this, however, an alternative blade came from an alternate timeline with Jargar Questus, which he bestowed upon his current timeline counterpart, Jargar Eltan, the Chief of Yirthum.   Now, two copies of the blade exist. One is held in Yirthum, the other in Camor with the Elven Guard.
World Court Classification

Cover image: by Boboshow


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