Valeera Sanguinar Character in Toriel | World Anvil

Valeera Sanguinar

“Respect my people, or pay the price!”

Champion of the Colosseum

Valeera Sanguinar, along with Broll Bearmantle, was a companion of Varian Reiter. She eventually accepted the position of an advisor and bodyguard to Varian, with the caveat that she retain her independence.
  Valeera herself maintains that her loyalties are personal, to her friends and her ideals.


When Valeera was young, her family was killed by bandits. She survived both the bandits, eking out a living by stealing what she needed. However, one day when trying to steal a shaman's talisman, she was caught and jailed. Showing her fighting prowess by injuring several of the guards in the process, it's possible that is how she attracted the attention of the Colosseum promoter. The day before she was to implement her escape plan, Valeera was sold so she could be part of the colosseum gladiators.
  After one of her companion death in the group tournament, Valeera and her last mate, a certain Broll Bearmantle were being transported in a caged wagon to Holypertuis to be trained as gladiators. On their way, they were joined by a human who had washed up on the seashore with no memory. When they reached Holypertuis, they were caged once again; the human who did nothing but brood, while the two elves argued.
  That evening in the cages, Broll Bearmantle offered the human a meditation remedy, and the man had a brief flash of memory. The meditation was interrupted by Valeera, which nearly caused her and Broll to come to blows. Valeera, Broll Bearmantle, and the amnesiac human trained in the ways of the gladiator and learned to look out for one another, since rival gladiators would test their mettle against the novice team in fights to the death while their trainers would gamble on the outcomes. After many bloody battles, they emerged as the victors of Holypertuis' Colosseum.
  After winning the gladiatorial contests, Valeera was sold to a gladiator mistress, for 2000 gold. The mistress wanted Valeera to lead an all-female gladiator team. However, soon after they set out for an exhibition game in green earth, Valeera escaped. Valeera then went searching for Broll and the human, who had escaped too. As she followed them, she discovered that an assassin was also trailing them. She eventually caught up with the assassin and, after catching him off guard, killed him with the help of some local beasts.
  Reunited with Broll Bearmantle and the human, Varian Reiter, who was revealed to be the lost duke of Freed. The three were determined to stay together and set out for the north to return Varian to his rightful throne. During the trip across the Crystal Lake, Valeera helped Varian Reiter and Broll Bearmantle defend the ship against attacking monsters, but during the fight she absorbed the arcane energies of a monster's infused by the lake magic; this act was what started her addiction to mana.
  After she arrived at Windrin, she, Varian Reiter, Broll Bearmantle, and a dwarf called Thargas Anvilmar started the journey towards the north. On their way they were stopped by Vendellin Soulfire, an elf warlock sent to assassinate Varian Reiter. During his fight, he cursed Valeera, an entity now possessing her.
  Because she was cursed, her addiction was exacerbated. During Valeera's lapses of self control, the entity would occasionally gain influence and take control of her body. When the group got to Tall tree, Varian Reiter conversed with a local, Valeera realized they were followed by a bearded man. Valeera sensed arcane energy being manipulated and witnessed the man creating a dagger with the intent to kill Varian Reiter. Valeera quickly subdued the man, but he managed to run away. She was left behind in a secluded village to adjust from her withdrawal from magic while the rest of her companions embarked on a mission to track the assassin. Secluded in her room, the entity tried to take control of her body by feeding her feelings of abandonment, using visions of her deceased parents to verbally abuse her. Valeera regained control of her senses when a vision of Broll Bearmantle told her she was not alone and that she had people like himself and Varian Reiter who loved her. She later rendezvoused with Varian Reiter and Broll Bearmantle after their mission, informing them that she was better and in control of herself again.
  When the group finally accesses the domain of the duke, she helped reveal the treachery. Varian Reiter offered both Broll Bearmantle and Valeera a permanent place by his side, in which they could act as Varian's bodyguards and advisers. Vallera agrees to stay, at least for a time, and to help, but kept her independence.

Valeera Sanguinar

(Champion of the Colosseum)

Champion of the Colosseum
Chaotic Neutral
Year of Birth
863 AD 273 Years old


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