Isana Material in Toriel | World Anvil


Isana is a valuable yet perilous mineral that forms beneath the surface of Toriel.   This mineral is exceptionally volatile, sometimes detonating inexplicably. Physical contact with raw Isana ore results in severe injuries and psychological harm.   When properly refined, Isana transforms into a smooth, slightly iridescent, silvery metal.  

Properties and Effects

Isana exists both in the mortal world and the Ethereal Plane, serving as a bridge between them. It even thrives deep within the ethereal plane. Isana consumption allows an ethereal creature to manifest in the material plane and vice versa.   Purple Isana, tainted by a connection to the Void rather than the ethereal plane, leads some scholars to believe that Isana might be the blood of ancient gods transcending planes and boundaries.  

The Song

Raw Isana emits a strangely soothing sound, often referred to as the voice of the Maker.   Ethereal creatures can locate Isana veins by ear, claiming to hear the Stone sing. However, Isana remains silent while in the ethereal plane.   The transition to the ethereal plane is described by some as a vibration, with those near Isana hearing the song intensify and experiencing a sensation of "vibrating out of existence" as they shift to the ethereal plane.   The song of Purple Isana differs from that of regular Isana.  


The Yuan-ti dispatch tortles to the mountains west of the Calames Jungle to extract Isana. This process is exceedingly hazardous due to Isana's volatility, but the Yuan-ti show little concern for the lives of the tortles. The mountains in the Calames Jungle are the primary source of Isana.  



Due to its polished sheen and magnificent glow, Isana is mainly used in crafting fancy jewels and accessories, harnessing its unique magical properties when worn.  


At the behest of the Hesian Order, the Orrin Empire's smiths once created devices known as "Isana wheels," capable of shifting objects and individuals through the ethereal plane. These were utilized by assassins for infiltration, reconnaissance, and information-gathering missions. With the proper expertise, one can infuse Isana into their skin, appearing as markings. However, the agonizing process renders the victims more compliant, with potential side effects including memory loss. It also grants them the ability to phase through solid objects.  


When mixed into a liquid and ingested, Isana enables creatures to enter the ethereal plane, or allows ethereal creatures to manifest in the Prime Material Plane.  

Exposure and Adverse Effects

Raw Isana is perilous for all but the most experienced members of the mining caste to handle. Contact with the unprocessed mineral can result in deafness or memory loss.



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