Purple Isana Material in Toriel | World Anvil

Purple Isana

Purple Isana is a crystalline mineral akin in form to regular Isana. It Manifest in root like struct fromwhich grow large crystals in place of alien influence.  

Properties and Effects

Purple Isana is a faintly purple glowing crystal of varied sized. Purple Isana glows more strongly in the presence of abberations. Raw samples of the material emit heat.   Scarlet Isana manifests in a root-like vein structure, similar to normal Isana. However, unlike Isana, it is not necessarily confined below the surface. Instead, traces of Scarlet Isana are often found in locations influenced by alien forces, such as meteorite impact sites or abomination lairs. In such places, it spreads across the landscape like a virulent infection, and once it takes root, it becomes exceedingly challenging to eradicate.   Purple Isana penetrates and grows into all things it touches within the alien influence that first sprouted the crystal. Inanimate objects that become bonded with Purple Isana are imbued with an unholy power. Creatures that interact with Purple Isana can be physically and emotionally corrupted by it. Their bodies become laced with purple veins, and their minds become tormented by the thought from the far realm.   In addition, a single ounce of Purple Isana can be substituted for 500 gp worth of any material component needed to cast a spell. A creature that casts a spell using Purple Isana as a replacement component must succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion after the spell is cast. If the creature isn’t already suffering from Purple Isana corruption, it becomes corrupted if it fails the saving throw.  

The Haze

The haze is an atmospheric effect caused by Purple Isana. It is capable of corrupting any creature in a fashion similar to Purple Isana itself, and it is even capable of corrupting inanimate matter. Purple Isana is a crystalline mineral resembling regular Isana. It manifests in root-like structures in areas influenced by extraplanar forces.  

Properties and Effects

Purple Isana is a faintly purple-glowing crystal of varying sizes. Its radiance intensifies in the presence of aberrations. Raw specimens of this material emit heat.   Purple Isana penetrates and spreads throughout anything it touches within the extraplanar influence that initially birthed the crystal. Inanimate objects bonded with Purple Isana gain unholy power. Creatures interacting with Purple Isana may suffer physical and emotional corruption. Their bodies become laced with purple veins, and their minds are tormented by thoughts from the far realm.   Moreover, a single ounce of Purple Isana can substitute for 500 gp worth of any material component required to cast a spell. A creature casting a spell using Purple Isana as a replacement component must succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion after the spell is cast. If the creature is not already corrupted by Purple Isana, it becomes corrupted if it fails the saving throw.  

The Haze

The haze is an atmospheric effect caused by Purple Isana. It can corrupt creatures and inanimate matter within its influence, much like Purple Isana itself.   The haze appears as a low mist lingering in areas where Purple Isana first appeared, limiting visibility to 2d6 x 50 feet. Areas beyond this mist are heavily obscured, even in daylight. The haze-infused mist can be identified by traces of purple light reflecting off surfaces, creatures, and particles in the area.   Whenever a spell is cast within the haze, the caster must roll a d20. On a roll of 1, the casting triggers a Wild Magic Surge effect.   Uncorrupted creatures cannot benefit from a long rest while within the haze.   Creatures inside the haze gain advantage on saving throws against divination spells. If the spell does not target the creature or allow a saving throw, the caster must make an ability check using their Spellcasting ability modifier, with a DC of 10 + the level of the divination spell. On a failure, the spell fails, and the caster suffers 1d6 psychic damage per level of the divination spell.   When a creature attempts to teleport into or out of the haze, they risk a mishap similar to that experienced when the destination is known only by description. Additionally, the caster must make an ability check using their Spellcasting ability modifier, with a DC of 10 + the level of the teleportation spell. On a failure, the spell fails, and the caster takes 1d10 force damage per level of the teleportation spell.  


Raw Purple Isana is extremely dangerous. Handling it with bare skin, without proper protection or resistance, causes immediate absorption into the body, resulting in Purple Isana corruption. Prolonged exposure to the haze emitted by raw Purple Isana can also induce similar effects.  


Purple Isana is linked to the Apotheon, channeling not only Alyxian’s distorted emotions but also the curse of misfortune from the moon Ruidus. While a source of magical power, Purple Isana corrupts all it touches. Even magic items can be tainted by Purple Isana, posing risks to their users.   Weapons and armor can be transformed into Purple Isana items by infusing them with powdered Purple Isana, giving them a rusty-red appearance. Other items can become Purple Isana-infused after prolonged contact with the mineral, featuring embedded Purple Isana crystals or veins.  

Exposure and Adverse Effects

When a creature faces the risk of corruption, it must make a Charisma saving throw. The save DC varies based on the virulence of Purple Isana. On a failed saving throw, the creature gains 1 level of exhaustion and becomes corrupted if not already. From that point forward, the creature takes 1d10 psychic damage whenever its level of exhaustion increases or decreases by 1, until the corruption is ended (see "Ending Corruption" below).  

Signs of Corruption

Physical signs of Purple Isana corruption become evident as the creature's level of exhaustion increases. These symptoms include a red rash, pulsing crimson veins, crimson blisters and boils, spurs of Purple Isana crystals, and ultimately death.   Emotionally, corrupted creatures experience amplified feelings of regret, yearning, rage, and despair, worsening as their level of exhaustion increases. Players may roleplay these symptoms as they wish, emphasizing or amplifying their character's flaw or choosing a new one.  

Physical Signs of Purple Isana Corruption

Exhaustion Level Physical Signs
1 A Purple rash appears, originating from the point of contact with Pruple Isana.
2 Pulsing purple veins spread across the creature’s skin.
3 Purple blisters and boils appear on the creature’s skin.
4 Stubby spurs of Purple Isana crystal protrude from the creature’s body.
5 The creature’s crystal protrusions grow larger and more grotesque.
6 The corruption kills the creature.
  A creature beset by Purple Isana corruption also exhibits emotional signs of corruption that worsen as its level of exhaustion increases. These symptoms include amplified feelings of regret, yearning, rage, and despair. A player whose character is corrupted by Purple Isana can roleplay these symptoms however they wish. (For example, the player could emphasize or amplify their character’s flaw, or choose a new flaw for their character.) As with the physical signs of corruption, all emotional symptoms persist until the creature’s Purple Isana corruption is ended.  

Ending Corruption

Only a wish spell or divine intervention can cure Purple Isana corruption; simply removing all levels of exhaustion cannot.   Purple Isana corruption vanishes from a creature if the extraplanar influence that triggered its growth is killed or banished from the plane. When this happens, all physical and emotional signs of corruption instantly disappear from the creature. When Purple Isana corruption ends on a creature, all physical and emotional signs of it disappear from the creature instantly.



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