Order of Watchers Organization in Tollomai | World Anvil
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Order of Watchers

The Order of the Ever Vigilant Watchers at the Keep of the Breaking has a long and storied past, reaching back to the last dying gasps of the Ascendancy War and the years immediately before the Godhunter's sudden appearance. Even as the world burned around them and the wars of former heroes who had become monsters more dangerous than even the gods they had felled, some men and women heard the call to honor and obligation and swore their lives to service. Many of the first Watchers were simple laborers, placing stones to encircle The Breakingas they listened to the Red Mother's instruction on how to kill Outsiders. From humble origins, the Order of Watchers grew into a well respected force throughout Tollomai.   Remaining vigilant for Outsiders is the primary task of the Watchers and the majority of the Order remains on duty at the Keep of the Breaking. Despite that, roughly one in five Watchers have never even seen the Keep and instead wander Tollomai seeking out Outsiders and Outsider Cults to destroy. Few outside the Order itself are aware that the Order of Watchers supports two nearly independent sects of Watchers who rarely interact with one another; those who are born into or join the Watchers at the Keep of the Breaking rarely find reason to leave as they fight constant battle with forces from beyond the world, and those who are recruited across Tollomai and given only brief training before their mentor continues on their own lonely journey are often stretched too thin trying to protect the entire world to make trips to the site of their Order's founding.


As a primarily military order, Watchers at the Keep of the Breaking follow strict military protocol and have discipline rivaling that of the best trained Warbands. New initiates, called Unblooded, are trained constantly by any Knights who can be spared from duty on the walls. Most break under the grueling training and are sent away from the Keep or retained as servants, cooks, armorers, or in other essential positions. After an Unblooded shows significant combat prowess, they become a Vigil and begin to serve as squires and assistants to Knights who patrol the walls and keep watch for Outsiders. To become a Knight themselves, a Vigil must defeat a powerful Outsider in combat without significant aid from their Knight or track down and defeat an Outsider that would have otherwise escaped the Keep of the Breaking.    Among Knights, the rank of Captain is earned by those who command enough trust and martial prowess to lead groups of other Watchers into battle against Outsiders that cannot be felled by one man. The rank of Commander is given to those who can command the unquestioning loyalty of the Knight Captains, but this is rare and almost mythical in nature, though many Unblooded dream of one day rising to the position.    Knights who have grown too old or wounded to continue fighting are called Elders and manage the history, lore, and policy of the Order of Watchers. The Council of Elders negotiates with the Keep's neighbors for the food and materiel required to continue keeping the Breaking controlled and ceaselessly seek a solution to the rift torn in the world.    The final rank of the Order of Watchers is the Champion, which is given to the greatest warrior among all Knights of the Keep of the Breaking. Along with the title, the Champion wields the great sword of the Order's Founding, Cynddaredd yr Haul.    Outside the Keep of the Breaking, Watchers have no true hierarchy. Most of these wandering knights show respect and deference to more experienced members of the Order, but as few as they are, most are content to leave each other to their own devices and the areas they protect. Among the hedge knights of the Order of Watchers, loose fraternal orders occur between those who frequently meet up in their travels or work together to eliminate particularly entrenched Outsider Cults, but this is rare.

Public Agenda

The primary goal of the Order of Watchers is to keep Tollomai safe from the predations of Outsiders and their ken. To this end, they search for a way to permanently repair The Breaking, but with dwindling hope of ever doing so.

Vigilance, loyalty, discipline

Military, Knightly Order
Leader Title
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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