The Keep of the Breaking Geographic Location in Tollomai | World Anvil
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The Keep of the Breaking

The Keep of the Breaking is an impressive structure, both architecturally and in what it stands for. A pentagonal fortress, on approach the unaware can be forgiven for not being sure what it is that they're seeing. The side of the Keep that faces the roads and outside world is mostly without defenses, only a simple stone wall with unmanned gates often left open. This is because the keep faces inward, surrounding The Breaking. Only the most foolish or insane would attack the Watchers, for without them, the Outsiders would surely overrun the world and tear it asunder.    The Keep of the Breaking is perhaps the most advanced fortress that still exists in the modern world. It was built during the Ascendancy War using methods and technologies that have since been lost to time throughout most of the world, but whose repair and maintenance has been passed down through the generations of masons and architects who ensure that the Keep remains strong enough to fend off prolonged attack from Greater Outsiders.
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