
A sad fate many toys have to go through (Both in Tierras Mágicas and other worlds) is that of rokenness, a quite generic condition experienced more often by those whose Breath-of-Life All-Mighties are very young, or very careless.   Brokenness may affect any part of a toy, and it ranges from the loss of entire body parts to the weakening or breaking of joints.
Queen Laura experienced a slow progression of brokenness that started with weakened joints, and ended up with her being unable to walk on her own. Modelling clay embedding was attempted as a treatment, with little success.
Though some All-Mighties may engulf a person affected with brokennes and cause them to never be seen again, inhabitants of Tierras Mágicas rarely lost their lives to brokenness, though many became letargic or sedentarian as a result.

Treatments of Brokenness

The exact approach to brokenness was almost as varied as its patients, especially in the early days, where the availability of materials and technology was on its infancy.   The methods could, however, be categorized depending what was being attempted with the broken part:  


Sticking back together body parts is the first and most basic treatment of brokenness, when it is an option at all.
Somewhat surprisingly, this method had an incredibly low success rate as the access to proper materials led to the affected parts falling back again shortly after, and lowering its effectiveness with every try.
The application of Serious Business Clay combined with the glueing has improved this method drastically.  


Prosthetics are, by far, the most common of treatments for brokenness.
In the early days, these prosthetics may have been as crude as a wooden leg, but they have evolved to better resemble the original body part or skin colour of the patient, with better and more resilient materials, or even replacement body parts.  
Technology / Science | Aug 18, 2021

The various methods used to help those afflicted with Brokenness.

Wiretail by Naelin
Wiretail, the leader of the Clan of Elementalis, has suffered from brokenness in more than one way.   His wings and tail have been fixed with crude methods that granted him his name.


Those whose bodies were soft were generally fixed by surgeries that stitched their body parts back together or closed their wounds, usually with prior application of soap anaesthesia.
The materials for the stitches varied and were slowly perfected with time, and went from wires to coloured threads, with ncreasingly better matching between the patient's body colour and the thread's colour.  

External Aids

When everything else failed, external machinery such as wheelchairs, crutches, casts or tutors would help broken people and animals have a better quality of life.
Of these, casts were the most common and tended to work better than glueing to keep together parts of one's body, though the aesthetics were not the best possible.
Chronic, Acquired

The case of Courser

The infamous Courser, a centaur click, was the most extreme case of a treatment for brokenness ever seen on Tierras Mágicas.   A fatally headless horse and a legless human were stitched together (a rare case against hard toys) by their joints with wire and given the Breath of Life, birthing a functional, resilient abomination.   He was a capable Canterburian, but he needed several surgeries and prosthetics to mask the marks of the abhorrent operation.

Knight Sebastián by Naelin

Where is Sebastián?

Did Sebastián experience extreme brokenness after The Tempest?   Queen Laura didn't entertain, at least publicily, the possibility of his knight being hurt or worse. However, her subjects didn't ignore the posibility of finding less than his complete body. No pieces were found.
Modelling Clay Embedding
Condition | Jan 14, 2023

A condition that gets literally harder to treat as time goes by, but that some were able to turn to their benefit.


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Dec 12, 2021 17:38 by Simo

This world is cuter every new article you write. I know the intention is probably the opposite, but I can't help imagining young Nae operating on his little patients... soap anaesthesia... omg <3

Dec 12, 2021 17:56

Nah, I didn't intend for this one article to be gruesome. I myself didn't remember the thing with the soap anaesthesia until I thought of it hahaha

Dec 13, 2021 13:34 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is weirdly adorable in a slightly horrifying way. I like the image of you operating on your toys to try to fix them. Courser is a very interesting case indeed.