Anotheros Organization in Thysia | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Of course we are arrogant. We are the smallest nation and yet we are the most progressive, powerful and intelligent... I imagine that if you had the pleasure of being in our 'situation' you'd be arrogant too.
  • The Anotheros 'Dreamer' commenting on the hostility held towwards Anotheros.
Anotheros should be known for it's ingenious inventions, philosophical society that doesn't acknowledge a traditional monarch and for it's impressive ability to hold its own when surrounded by larger countries and civilisations.    However, it is always the greatest shame for Anotheros that instead they are known for their arrogance, hubris, sense of superiority and twisted perception of the world. For Anotheros grew as an offshoot of Paradosia but, whilst Paradosia chose to keep it's traditions and values and build on them to create a cultural and historical hub of Thysia, Anotheros chose to instead forge their own path, delving into the mystery's of their own country. Utilising the rich land and mysterious mountain minerals from the Anotheros peaks, the people of the country became crafters, tinkerer and inventors.    This very quickly turned Anotheros into the technical capital of Thysia and brought them wealth and success across Thysia, this soon translated into their every day life as artisans and artists in the country became obsessed with inventing new and exciting art forms that soon fell into the category of 'abstract' and 'strange' art and performance. Whilst their inventiveness has gradually slowed to a near standstill as they have become more focused on their trading and bickering with other countries.   Though, to assume that Anotheros' arrogance is entirely unwarranted shows a clear misunderstanding of the country's history and present. Anotheros is a deeply mysterious landscape, dreams and imagination hold a lot of power there for both the residents and the creatures within, often a person's dreams could become reality if consistent enough. This led to the birth of both the Anotheros Kalashtar races... and the Nightmare races, the only group unable to link their existence to the original mortals.    This focus on dreams becoming reality turned Anotheros into a deeply dangerous and unpredictable country for a long time and is just one of the reasons that magic is heavily monitored and criminalised in the country, for fear of mind bending spells being cast on people in their sleep.    And so, like almost all things in Thysia, Anotheros is rarely as straightforward as one is led to believe.


Anotheros is organised with a focus on the philosophy of each person in the country doing their best to be the best person they can be and improving Anotheros as much as they can. As a result of this, Anotheros is broken into a society focused on individual projects, self-made businessmen and a focus on creativity for all people.    Anotheros is ruled by an elected 'Dreamer' who acts in a role very similar to the monarch with one key exception, the public of Anotheros use representatives in each of their businesses to judge if they agree with the Dreamer's set policies. The reason they are called the Dreamer? If elected, it is understood they should love Anotheros enough for the whole nation and will always dream of improving it.    The current Dreamer is a Kalashtar named Phraser Aniculusorum. A 65 year old Kalashtar who has been the Anotheros Dreamer for the last 40 years, they were a deeply talented citizen in their youth, learning to synthesise black powder to make the earliest firearms in Anotheros as well as writing several plays, they have placed an emphasis on art forms in their rule of Anotheros and have notably erected several performance halls across the nation. Though the Dreamer often allows his love for his country to bubble into a passionate arrogance towards others which has led to DEEP tensions with the straightforward and laconic people of Epizonia.


Anotheros have a deeply progressive, avant-garde culture that is always evolving and changing. However, their desire to constantly move forward and create new things have left them lacking a real and raw history of their own... a real shame as their constant dramatisations of history have actually robbed them of their tough origins.    Anotheros allow this constant flowing and changing culture be reflected in their fashions and Soul Arms with many Anotheros Soul Arms also acting as tools, instruments or objects with different effects.


Anotheros is an incredibly wealthy nation for it's size in consideration, though their lack of clearly defined government often means that they do not have any nation wealth but, rather, consist of wealthy groups and individuals working for themselves.


Anotheros was a strange country, so heavily linked to the imagination and creativity of the Material Deity whilst also acting as the battleground for the Nightmare and the Quori. When the Material Plane mortals settled in Anotheros they found this was both a great boon to them, and a curse, as dreams are powerful in Anotheros and often took shape in reality. This allows many people from Anotheros to achieve more success than their means would have implied. However, it also meant the birth of nightmares... a strange race of people unique to Anotheros as well as monsters in the country dreaming and coming to life, becoming strange mutants.    Meanwhile, the strangest monsters came from the Eastern mountain peaks of Anotheros... a space they still haven't investigated thousands of years later.   Eventually, settlements became villages, which became towns and then became cities and Anotheros was built with a focus on every man being the best they can be whilst The Gearkeepers faction was established to ensure martial law and control was established for protection from monsters and control of those who would seek to use magic to manipulate dreams.

Demography and Population

ANotheros is a very 'dense' country filled with people despite their small landmass... often implying that they have issues with resource management, especially with the ever wandering monsters and creatures of the dreams.    This often means the architecture of settlements are set around protection from these roving monsters first to allow as much security for the people within as possible.

Technological Level

Anotheros are the most technologically advanced city in Thysia with their creation of:
  • Gunpowder
  • Firearms
  • Warforged
  • Ship attachments
  • Soul Arm etching and identifying improvement. 
However, they also believe that their skill with inventing and being technologically 'ahead of the curve' applies to their art and magic, which conversely have left Anotheros exploring the strange and 'new', which isn't necessarily 'better'.

Foreign Relations

Anotheros are currently embroiled in a deep conflict with Epizonia but get along well with other countries who have become reliant on Anotheros' technology and creations.

Superiority lies in the Mind

Alternative Names
The Head, The Dream
Government System
Power Structure
Anotheros use the Paradosian/Thysian gold piece system of payment.
Legislative Body
The Dreamer creates and drafts laws that are then voted on by the public using representatives from towns and cities.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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