War - Engineer Games Tradition / Ritual in THF Universe | World Anvil

War - Engineer Games

Sport played between War-Engineers originating in Suon culture. Other races of the Hyperion Federation saw and enjoyed it, and so, also embraced it, but perhaps not to the extent that suons did.   These are almost always used in War-Engineer promotion sessions. These battles are held in a particularly sacred manner. They are almost always performed in Virtual Universes for safety reasons, and so the event can be easily monitored from the outside down to individual atomic interactions.   Many sporting teams exist for these sorts of activities. Many in the various cultures of the HF enjoy these battles, as both teams typically deploy some very creative technologies and strategies. Even the HF military watches these events and sometimes uses the unuaual strategies in battle. These simulations can take place in many frontiers such as space battle, ground, naval and more. Some games can also get very tense. In the closest game ever played, both teams were killed less than a second apart.   The games can be fought in teams, or as just single individuals. Official War-engineer promotion games are typically done in 1v1 games, but massive games of several thousand vs several thousand have been played as well. These games are often highly entertaining, as the crowd watches thousands of large, wacky war machines clash with each other. A lot of chaos usually results from this. Teams are usually chosen by those who run the events, but games have been fought where war-engineers got to choose their own teams. The community for war-engineer games is surprisingly close knit, so it is very common for war-engineers to know the personalities of their opponents and team members.   Many war-engineers also have merchandise. They allow the population of the HF to replicate their merch, which helps the war-engineer in question gain popularity and recognition.

Components and tools

The entire event takes place within a Virtual Universe. Contestants can use whatever they want to kill their opponent (inside the simulation). Conestants are encouraged to be creative, so they will often use very strange war machines for this.


Anyone can participate in many different skill classes, meaning they are usually matched up against people of equal skill. Actual War-Engineers often fight each other. These fights are legendary among the population and often get a significant viewer base. Sometimes, they may battle outside of the public eye to practice or to have fun.
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