Kyelox Character in THF Universe | World Anvil


A Suon originally born in the Hyperion Empire version of the United nations of Tebburus. After finding out about the Hyperion Federation during a conflict, he decided to leave his Empire behind and settle in the Federation, trying to make a new life. He knew the Fracture was well defended by Empire forces though, who would certainly deny his leave. With the arrival of the First Cross - Fracture War he had an idea - find Federation forces, and surrender. His plan worked, but although he was on the Federation side of the Fracture now, he was a POW. When the war ended, he refused to move back to the Empire and instead applied for HF citizenship.  He was watched by Federation officials who initially thought he was a spy.
Current Residence
The HF side of the Fracture, in Paragon
Aligned Organization


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