HEX Mainframe Organization in THF Universe | World Anvil

HEX Mainframe

Faction of hive minded robots.   Its goals are to obtain as much information about the universe as possible, and to further this goal, it must upload the consciousness of other sentient beings into the hive mind, similar to the Borg from star trek. However, unlike the Borg, the people are not constantly connected to each other. This way, they have individuality but cannot defy the hive's will. Their armour relies more on nanobots than Hyperion Federation TGX Composite, and can adapt much faster. However, it also relies on this ability more, and without it its weaker than TGX Composite on average. Their Intergalactic Drives work differently from Hyperion IGWD also. They don't work on large ships, only small ships. Additionally they do not create large wormholes like Hyperion ones, only a wormhole big enough to fit the ship. If a large ship must perform intergalactic travel, they have a specialized large ship intergalactic warp class, a ship built around a massive wormhole drive that creates wormholes big enough to fit large ships.   The HM lives on the HF side of the Fracture.   Their military relies on Omnicannons, special weapons that are capable of adapting to the weakness of the enemy.   They use a special form of power generation where very large volumes of hydrogen are fused into oxygen. This produces a very large amount of power, though not as much as antimater. HM does not have antimatter technology.


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