The Continent of Estria Geographic Location in The World of Gallidion | World Anvil

The Continent of Estria

Estria, though the smallest continent is the most densely populated. The dwarven Region of Stormfold in the north is bordered by the gnomish tinkerers who have harnessed the water of Mad River Gorge to help fuel their machinations. The @saltla cap off the continent and provide a physical barrier against expansion to the coast line. The mountain passes taper down to the Blackstone Hills, home of the hill dwarves whom have found Stormfold too stuffy and rigid for their tastes. Grindwood, the home of the elves holds it’s wild sway over the western coast and they do not suffer intrusion into their boundaries lightly. The Traveller’s Forest to the east has been left by the elves for use by the other kingdoms and races of the areas and is the primary route taken from north to south.

At the apex of trade is the world’s largest known city of Alderac A massive melting pot of trade, intrigue and adventure this city is the center of the continent and traders from all known lands travel here to sell their goods.

South of the city and Grindwood to its west is Jadecliff Pass, a hard boundary to the southern peninsula where most metals and stones are harvested. A large contingent of standing men-at-arms are hosted here as a deterrent to the Palace of the Bane Lords, an ancient fortress to whatever dwells within. The southern coast has been slowly settled and used for it’s vibrant agriculture creating a small area known as Fairfield, however all wonder how long this will last.


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