Region of Stormfold in The World of Gallidion | World Anvil

Region of Stormfold

Colloquially known as both the region and the kingdom of Stormfold, the region also encompasses the surrounding areas that are influenced or have influence in the dwarven capital.

It is not known outside of the dwarves themselves, when they first arrived to the region. The only answers outsiders, or the non-historians get it, "We have always been here." Over the centuries, they have expanded outside of their mountain home into the hills and valleys of the surrounding area. The royalty of the dwarves have worked to collect the various tribes, clans and families under its control; bringing hill and mountain dwarves as the controlling force in the region.

The kingdom is known for its stone and metalwork as well as its oats, barley and fungal grains that make some of the most potent alcohols in existence.


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