Vilore Character in The World of Angfaulith | World Anvil


His high radiance Vilore Asein Berisan (a.k.a. First stone thrower)

Vilore is the jovial but firm head of the temples dedicated to Amathandir within Dimha. Residing in the temple of light in Jerebelus, he is in ardent opposition to the next door temple of Barhuon - The tyrant god of dominion and wealth, only holding a religious assault at bay to observe the laws of the land. His patience with the blantant and open worship of Barhuon in the very capitol of Dimha has been known to wear thin, especially in his older years.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vilore grew up in a small vilage on the western border of Dimha, in view of the Darwen wall. In his early adulthood i joined the border guards to hunt down goblinoids and greater threats from desending the mountains and entering the lowlands. It was there hi found his calling, and in a pillar of light, Vilore became a chosen one, a champion of Amathandir.

Failures & Embarrassments

Vilores greatest faliure can be attributed to his failure to sway the current Sarif, at the beginning of his rule to lift the protection of Barhuon's temple in the year 472.
Current Location
Date of Birth
2 nd Aman
Year of Birth
411 Age of man 78 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light tan
172 cm


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