The world Party Timeline Timeline

Party Timeline

The timeline of what has happened with the party during this campaign.

  • 3025 4th

    4 May 19:00

    The assassination of Maleko Keala
    Life, Death

    A former general that has deserted the army assassinates Maleko Keala with the help of another criminal.

    Additional timelines
  • 3025 4th

    17 June 14:00
    3025 4th

    17 June 18:00

    The Royal Wedding

    The wedding was a beautifull ceremony except for a brief interruption due to a couple of chaos warriors attacking the palice. The party offers to help, but the guards nicely but firmly tell them that there is no need and they have everything under control.

    More reading
    The Royal Wedding
    Additional timelines
  • 3025 4th

    4 July 17:00

    The birth of a princess
    Life, Birth

    The prince of Ulthuan had a daughter and named her Lyari.

    Additional timelines
  • 3028 4th

    23 April 19:00
    2028 4th

    23 April 20:00

    The first Thorodor attack
    Disaster / Destruction

    Thorodor has come to Ayram Alusìng, attacking with hellfire, he demanded the treasure stored in the bank.

    Ayram Alusìng