Andasand Organization in The Wheel | World Anvil


Stretching across the heart of the continent, Andasand is a vast, arid land steeped in a perennial struggle against the relentless undead legions of Fallen Asha. The sunburnt landscape, dominated by endless rolling dunes, rocky canyons, and sparse vegetation, speaks of a harsh, inhospitable environment that has shaped the character of its inhabitants. The oasis towns dotted across this sea of sand are vital hubs of life, providing the rare gift of water in this thirsty land. The resilience of Andasand, however, lies not in its challenging geography but in its hardy, nomadic people who have adapted to these harsh conditions with grit and grace.  

People and Culture

  The people of Andasand, known as the Andasani, are born survivors. Their nomadic lifestyle, developed over generations, allows them to navigate the vast desert expanses in search of precious water and scarce resources. They have mastered the art of survival in this arid land, honing skills such as tracking, hunting, and water conservation, while developing unique methods of shelter and transport that suit their environment. Despite the ongoing conflict with the undead and the fallout from the deadly 'water wars' with neighboring Ula, the Andasani maintain a strong sense of community and honor. They cherish their freedom and the wisdom bestowed by their ancestors, with tales of heroic exploits and cunning survival passed down through generations. Tents are raised together, water is shared in times of scarcity, and every tribe member has a role to play, creating a closely-knit society resilient to the tests of time and adversity. Their hard-earned peace is guarded vigilantly, ready to fiercely defend their lands and their people against the undead or any who threaten their precarious equilibrium.
Geopolitical, Country


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