The Fighting Backstabber Plot in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

The Fighting Backstabber

Fleec gets to go to Europe again, with a prize of sorts & a mission.

Plot points/Scenes

Fleec has made it as far as Egypt in his quest for pentence & balance in life. In a small oasis hamlet, traders come & go. There is also a small Coptic shrine with a single Coptic hermit. Fleec hasd heard of a couple of traders that were passing through the hamlet who regularly smuggled gold & the odd 'young' slave to Luxor a few hours north of the hamlet. He has killed both for the crime of smuggling these 'young'.    At the same time, the hermit talks to him and gives him advice about life. He tells Fleec that there is the odd fighting game up in Luxor and he has an old bit of parchment for the ancient part of the city. It opens the resting place to a tomb. Warning Fleec not to go in alone, as the dead do not stay dead below the city, that just beyond the door is a canopic jar that contains a papyrus scroll that scared the hermit when he was younger.   If Fleec travels from the eastern side of the city to the Nile and find an obelisk with an Ibex-headed human figure on it, he can use the parchment (which has a map on it) to the entrance of the tomb. There he can find the canopic jar. It contains an ancient spell that can stop one person from being seen by the Jinn for a year and a day, but at a cost of some type. It is wrote in Arcahic Egyptian. According to the hermit he saw that a young woman in a town in the middle of Europe would benefit with a red shield a white cross, a smaller white shield and three smaller red shields in the centre.   Fleec can easily get to Luxor, but when there, the local assassins guild will be waiting for him. They will tell him that a contract can be took up. They have a job needing done, with a preference to an outsider. A person called Salapane is to be killed. Her mother's family in the Far East is looking her killed, as her father is an 'outsider' and her mother had fled the family leading to a stain on their honour in their society. If he does the job, the local assassins guild would pay for it, and can get in contact through the local thieves guild.   If he carries these out, he will find that the design is for a town called Eshbach, and there is a new lord there. The character of Salapane is part of the court, along with another called Cyrielle being the one for the spell.   All the while, he may find that someone has been mimicing hin and it turns out to be a Doppleganger, and before his travels he hears that the dead are starting to be coming more active in Luxor. This coinsides with a 'white sea serpent' being seen of the coast of Alexandria. The port there froze over and there was a very minor earthquake that opened another part of the lower Library of Alexandria. Guards went down and vanished.


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