Nicostratus Settlement in The Trident Coalition | World Anvil


Nicostratus is the part of the Aerope where the rich and influential families live, mostly in larger villas and a mansion or two.
The people who live in Nicostratus like to have police vehicles patrol their streets at night. It’s not as if there’s a lot of crime in the streets, though. They just want the police to make sure that the "wrong sort of people" don’t roam their streets, and by wrong they mean people who are less wealthy than them. The fact that the Aerope Police Department is the second most corrupt police force in the Coalition, after the Aeolus Metropolitan Police, doesn’t bother them, in fact they like it that way, it’s what they’re bribing the police for.
The neighborhood is on the west side of Isthmus Atreus, north of Tyndareus.


Aegis Arena, the sports stadium for the city’s professional Anti-Gravcrosse team stands in the southernmost part of Nicostratus.
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