Blacksand City Settlement in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil

Blacksand City

BlackSand city is the capital of the planet of Theev. This city was established by Three Pirate Lords who sought to keep their way of life, but needed to protect it as well. The idea was to create a secret planet where those privileged pirates willing to follow a strict code of conduct would  have a safe haven to be able to operate safely.  To the public eye Blacksand city is a High Tec city where major corporations come to conduct business and get entertained at the Casinos and theaters in the Gold Rose Borough. In reality Blacksand city is the nothing more then a den of thieves protected by very strict pirate code that the founding pirate lords established on how business was to be conducted. The pirates that call Blacksand city, or Theev it self, will live by this code, or suffer the swift justice that was established by the founding fathers. The city has two levels with the upper city being built on cavasses on the mountains of Theev. The glamorous upper city is what the public eye sees including the prying eyes of the Third Imperium. The lower city was build in the cavasses themselves of the those same mountains and is ran like the legendary island of Nassau. The lower city is protected as much as the upper city and anyone who goes to the lower city that does not have the proper colors are never seen again. All items that have been pirated by the pirates are taken to the lower city where they are laundered and fenced to be legally sold in the open market. Not every pirate known through out the OTU knows the location of Theev. There are many rumors as to where the legendary planet is located like District 268 subsector in the Spinward Marches Sector.


Aslan, Chokari, Sophont, Vargr.


Blacksand city has been ran by three Pirate Lords since its beginnings.  All business no matter if is legal or through the black market is controlled by the Pirate Lords. The foundation and how business is conducted was established by the original Pirate Lords in order to protect there way of life of pirates. The pirate lords that are picked to succeed and carry on the way of pirates are hand picked by the Pirate Lords. Every Pirate knows that the Pirate Lords are the law and conduct the code of the pirates. Any leader that does not carry out the foundation that was established by the original lords are taken care in true pirate fashion.  All Pirates who make there home on Blacksand city or the planet of theev for that matter must be a member of one of the pirate Lords gang. Those that do not conform are dealt with swiftly.


Blacksand city has a upper and lower city.  Most of the business, and visitors that arrive on theev that are looking for business, trade, or entertainment at the the casinos only see the upper city. The upper city is combination of New York city and Las Vegas. There are five borough's with Three of the Borough's controlled by each Pirate Lord. The 4th Borough nothing but casinos, and hotels like Las Vegas. The fifth Borough is unclaimed at the moment it is used to house the permeant inhabitants of Theev. The Lower city is hidden from the public eye including the watchful eyes of the Third Imperium and anyone else snooping around. The lower city is ran by pirate gangs and crews set up like the legendary island of Nassau.


There are Five Borough's that control the Upper Blacksand City. Blue Rose Borough, Orange Rose Borough, Green Rose Borough, Gold Rose Borough, and the White Rose Borough.

Guilds and Factions

Blue Rose Pirates, Orange Rose Pirates, and the Green Rose Pirates.


Blacksand city was established in the year 01 of the Third Imperium. The pirates were being hunted down by the upstart Third Imperium and need a location where they could operate. Theev was once part of the Sindal empire. The founding Pirate Lords were looking for a place where they could operate from the preying eyes of the 3I. One of the founding Pirate lord by the name of Rutherford Hayhurst landed on this planet running from the Imperial Navy.  The red sand dust storms that happen quite frequently messed with the sensors and electronics of the Imperial Navy. The place where Hayhurst had landed was protected from the storms. Getting together with two other powerful pirate captains Westcott Middleton and Denton Springfield the three started the construction of the two cities. The Three pirate lords laid the foundation for how the upper and lower cities are ran.

Points of interest

Each Borough has a HQ hotel that stands at 50 floors. They are the only building in the in each borough that stands that tall.


The TL-15 of Theev and the elegance of Blacksand city is what attracts corporations to the city. The casino attracts wealthy dignitaries, ambassadors, and wealthy beings of all races to the city as well.


Upper Blacksand city is protected by a bubble that protects it from the environment of Theev. Everything that comes to Theev is imported because the planet itself is nothing but a red dust bowl like Mars.


Upper Blacksand city is built on top of the many cavasses of the mountains on Theev. The lower city is hidden from the public eye in the cavasses and requires respirators or breathers at all times to protect themselves from the atmosphere of Theev.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
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