Admiral Zachariah Fulton Darokyn Character in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil

Admiral Zachariah Fulton Darokyn

Born on the planet of Tobia in the Tobia subsector on day 55 in the year of 1055 of the 3I. Zachariah was the third son of  Captain Simon Dodson Darokyn a 5th generation naval officer in the Tobia Subsector.  Zachariah father retired a Rear Admiral in his 40 years of service. Zachariah two older brother's also served in the navy as well both one retiring as a captain the other a commodore. Zachariah joined the Military Academy in the year 1073 3I. He graduated with honors in the year 1077. Zachariah tactical and leadership skill were exceptional. Rising in the ranks rapidly. Zachariah served in both the 43rd and 204th fleets. Zachariah made his mark in the 4th frontier wars getting deceives victory's against the Zhodani fleets getting him promoted to the admiralty ranks. Then Commodore Darokyn was assigned to the pirate division of the 43rd. He started cleaning house in the pirate world searching for the legendary pirate planet.  Also during this time he started seeing signs of corruption in the 43rd fleets leadership.  In the year 1090 3I Zachariah was promoted to Admiral and given the command of the 43rd fleet. No other family member in the generations of Darokyn had ever reached the rank of a full fledged Admiral let alone the commanding officer of a fleet. Unfortunalley the Admiral has his hands full with the allegations of corruption with in the ranks of the 43rd and a pirate by the name of Lunk Thunderchin. Admiral Darokyn spent the last three years of his navy career trying to crack the corruption ring and find out who Lunk Thunderchin was. Working with the Duke subsector Jethro Ducal and Jethro's nephew commander Benjamin Ducal a up and coming naval officer they started crack the ring only to have it end in disaster with Admiral Darokyn being accused as the ring leader by Rear Admiral Stomgazer and having evidence to back it up. The five generations of the Darokyn name was destroyed in less that 48 hours of the accusation. The evidence that was mounted against the admiral was to much for him to defend himself.  He swore to the Fleet Admiral and the Duke that he was being set up. He was stripped of his rank and demoted to spacer. Other officers who served faithfully in the 43rd were also being accused of the smuggling and slave trading. Admiral Darokyn was to be executed for high treason to the Imperium. The night before his execution the dedicated officers and enlisted who felt the Admiral was also being set up broke him out of prison and stole one quarter of the 43rd fleet and disappeared.  During the this three year period of pirate hunting the admiral has discovered theev. He took his new fleet to theev in the year 1093 3I. Joined the Blue and Black gang and in two years established himself as the godfather of Theev. His bitterness towards the 43rd fleet is still there as well as with Thunderchin who he believes is the one who set him up to ruin and smear the Darokyn name. He has the blue and black gang set like a naval organization. His dedicated officer are the one who run the operations on theev. He has no tolerances for betrayal and non order.  Any gang that does not follow the code that has been established by the gang lords are dealt with in a swift manner with his black widows.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

When you look at the Admiral he still looks to be in his mid 30's.  He is fit and still has a very athletic body type.  He does not look at all his true age of 51.

Personality Characteristics


Very clean cut. His uniforms are taken to the drycleaner. He keeps his hair cut in military style. He keeps his self well groomed at all times.



Still carries himself as an Officer and a Gentlemen as if he still in the navy and expects the respect that goes with that.

Wealth & Financial state

The Admiral wealth is unknown. He lives high and large but very disciplined when it comes to the money he spends.  He has many investments and assets that keeps his money hidden.

A former imperial officer Darokyn is a cultured, refined gentleman. He is in early 50's and through judicious use of anagathics has kept him in fighting trim. He wears a crisp naval uniform without any insignias other than a silver skull-and-crossbones and a golden D on a chain around his neck. He may be a pirate but he acts like a model naval officer.

View Character Profile
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
1055 3I 51 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Third Son
Dark Blue.
Short military style hair cut of mixed silver and black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
140 pounds
Ruled Locations


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