Session 30: CSS Shenanigans Laying Low Report Report in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil

Session 30: CSS Shenanigans Laying Low Report

General Summary

Star Date: Wonday, 352 1105 3I Following the advice of Admiral Darokyn, with the exception of Jean Paul, the crew of the Shenanigan's laid low. Jean Paul and Domic spend six weeks in one of the best hospitals in the OTU getting some augmentations done. Dr Scarlett Cannon was has been to some top notch hospitals in her young career and this would be in her top 3 as far as the TL and the service and quality doctors, nurses, and staff that practice on Theev. Jean Paul registering in his own name has five assassination attempts on his life. This only cost a few doctors, nurses, security, and 25 black widows lives. Captain quietly flew three missions on the Far Trader CSS Janal Torsk earning the crew some well deserved Credits to their bank accounts. Meeting on this this day as the whole crew of the Shenanigans for breakfast. The extra crew members that have been hired are assigned to other ships that Commodore Denniston has acquired. While eating breakfast they received a communication to meet at the Rose Pavilion for lunch with Admiral Darokyn, the pirate lords, and two special guest. Meeting at the Rose Pavilion the crew met with King Oleb, and a women who looked to be in her early sixties by the name of Margaret Blaine. King Oleb could not say enough about the very quiet and meek looking elderly women. Peyter Vallis at the same time was very rude to Horal Irontooth and made threatening remarks towards the Aslan and crew members of the Shenanigans. Jean Paul taking action very discreetly summoned the black widows to escort the pirate lord out of the hotel. Admiral Darokyn putting up with the Kings constant interruptions about her exploits and the total disrespect of Vallis in a calm and cool manner asked the crew to do this job for the king and the very quiet Margaret Blaine. While eating dinner the meek looking lady seemed to eyeball each crew member and watch each crew mannerisms as if almost making mental notes on each crew member. Whether the crew believes in the exploits that King Oleb continued to talk and brag about is unknown at this time but they agreed to meet her in the morning. She said that she would be ready to go at the hotel at 08:00. She would pay First class passenger accommodations as well. The crew also learned that 25 five ships under the marque of King Oleb has been captured or destroyed by the Imperial Navy. Lowering the Fleet of the commodore number down to 475 under his command. He has also brought the DNS Vindicator to Theev for the repairs needed because of the TL and having the available parts needed to fix the ship.

Rewards Granted

Load One:
  1. Captain shares: 1,302,272
  2. Crew Shares: 520,908
  3. Extra crew: 260,454
Load Two:
  1. Captain shares: 1,671,365
  2. Crew Shares: 668,546
  3. Extra Crew: 334,273
Load Three:
  1. Captain shares: 1,360,000
  2. Crew Shares: 544,000
  3. Extra crew 272,000
Load Four:
  1. Captain Shares: 4,681,818
  2. Crew Shares: 1,872,727
  3. Extra Crew: 936,364
  1. Captain Shares : 9,015,455
  2. Crew Shares: 3,606,181
  3. Extra Crew Shares: 1,803,091

Missions/Quests Completed

Honour among Thieves.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Admiral Darokyn
  • Horal Irontooth
  • Petyr Vallis
  • King Oleb
  • Margaret Blaine. 
The Adventures of the CSS Rising Shadow.
Soriluss Morthikolor
Uz Khoun
Jean Paul Pierre
Domic Asc
Report Date
06 May 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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