Session 28: CSS Shenanigan's Choose your Colors. Report Report in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil

Session 28: CSS Shenanigan's Choose your Colors. Report

General Summary

The crowd is stunned and memorized as the French speaking man enters the arena and walks to the three prisoners who are standing  with their shield and knife. At first he seems to be unarmed. The women in the crowd seem to be memorized by the man's accent.  The man is well dressed with a cigarette hanging out his mouth.  He is talking to the prisoners as he approaches them.  The prisoners try to surround the man as orders from the female prisoner is given.  Banter between the prisoner and French man continue as the two other prisoners surround him. The crowd have never seen this man before who is he? Does he know the prisoner? Is this an agent that the Imperium used to capture this pirate and her crew.  Normally another round with the KheKha to finish the death sentence of the prisoners is what happens. This was new never has the prisoners been confronted by an individual. The fight begins with the well dressed man attacking first missing the female. The crowd begins to cheer and make noise. The female strikes at the man sparks fly of the man as his suit is damaged from the knife yet the french man continues as if nothing happened. A pirate drops to his knees dropping his shield and knife and pleads for mercy to the astonishment of the crowd the French man lets him live as the pirate runs for the locker room the crowd cheers even more for the mercy that was shown. The fight starts with the french man killing the female captain. The french man stands with a damaged suit but know signs of wounds from several knife wounds. Suddenly the fight is stopped from the same center box a Vagar hits the soft dirt drawing a sword and fights the last pirate killing the pirate. The crowd roars with cheers as justice has been served.  Jean Paul lights another cigarette looks at the crowd then to the booth wear he sees the three pirate lords pleased with the outcome of the fight. Uz-Khoun just cleans the blood of his blade and joins  Jean Paul Pierre walking to the locker room with the crowd chanting justice was done. Once inside they both see the Pirate Norbert Pacek looking at them and thanks Jean Paul thanks him for the mercey shown and hands him a box that he was told to give to him.  In this decorative wood box with the symbol of a blue and black rose  was a bottle of the finest Vodka and a blue and black medallion with the head of a dragon on it. Two brand new matching outfit also hanging on a hanger in a locker. The crew is then led to the third story of the Excalibur where a banquet room full of tables and tapestry's are.  The room is aligned with three long tables at the north end of the room with two chairs at each table. A row of long tables going north to south forming a U shape in the room extend at each end of the outside long tables. At the south end of the room are several round tables that fill the majority of the room. On the east end of the room are three rows of long tables wear the food is.  On the west walls where the double entry doors hangs six tapestries of pictures of the current pirate lords and there top lieutenant. The Tapestry next to Admiral pictures is blank. The crew is brought up to the center area where it is open and they face the three pirate lords. There they face the Pirate lords where they are told that they must swear fealty to one to the pirate lords at the penalty of death if they ever reveal the location of Theev to anyone without permission. The crew swears there fealty to the blue and black gang. Then the party begins observation shows that now civilians are allowed into this room. Uz-Khoun who shared the Vodka with Jean Paul Pierre is pretty intoxicated and starting to make a fool of himself at the party.  At this moment is when Jean Paul learns that with the new medallion he can control the Blacksand city Widows and gets Uz-Khoun safely back to the ship. Jean Paul then is asked to join the Admiral at the empty chair next to him while a new tapestry is hung next to the Admiral with his picture on it revealing that his has been picked as the Admiral's Number one.  While the celebration dinner continues the three pirate lords and their lieutenants discuss the plan to deal with Ferrick Redthane the admiral former Number one. It is decided that the new Lieutenant is the one to take care of the traitor. The admiral also ask as a personal favor to take the negotiator Flo on to there ship as a crew member. The next morning as the crew recovers from the party find Flo with all her personal belongings waiting at the hatch to be let on board. The crew then start securing everything for departure and lift of back into space heading for the Palindrome system looking for the fourth moon of the first gas system. Once arriving into the system the crew has 52 hours of flight to reach the moon.

Rewards Granted

  1. 6 MCr
  2. Jean Paul Pierre becomes the Blue and Black gangs number one Lieutenant to Admiral Darokyn.
  3. Jean Paul Pierre is given a Blue and Black Medallion with a Dragon Head on it.
  4. The crew of the Shenanigans is awarded the protection of the Blue and Black gang on Theev.
  5. Flo has a Blue and Black Medallion with the head of a mustang on it.
  6. Flo joins the crew of the Shenanigans. 

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Admiral Darokyn
  2. Horal Irontooth
  3. Petyr Vallis
  4. Mira Silverhand
  5. Norbert Pacek
The Adventures of the CSS Rising Shadow.
Soriluss Morthikolor
Uz Khoun
Jean Paul Pierre
Domic Asc
Report Date
14 Apr 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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