Doorway Building / Landmark in The Savage Woods | World Anvil


In Manashin tradition, the Otherworld is a land of spirits, tricksters, and demons. Priestesses can spiritually travel there by sending their panai out while they meditate, but otherwise, humans have no access to this place.   The exception is the Doorway. Legend tells that this is a portal to the Otherworld, and ancient stories abound of heroes who travelled there to have adventures and bring back riches. Exactly where the Doorway is - or if it even exists in the first place - is unknown. Myth places it roughly north of Lake Jondush, midway between the lake and the mountains. The land where it allegedly lies has been covered by the Forest for over a century now, though, so if it does exist, no one can access it anyway.   Most Manashins do not believe it exists, and that it is simply a feature of folktales.

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